Wireless Access

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  • 1.  V6.5.0.1-HP560-B19720.cim.STARTUP on msm4xx

    Posted Dec 11, 2019 05:57 AM


    i download this version and apply it on msm430 AP but it doesnt work on it 

    the web browse appear and i enter by default username and password 

    i try both controlled mode and standalone mode 

    but it stop at the restart step and i cant ping it anymore 

  • 2.  RE: V6.5.0.1-HP560-B19720.cim.STARTUP on msm4xx

    Posted Dec 11, 2019 06:41 AM


    This version V6.5.0.1-HP560-B19720.cim.STARTUP is not for MSM430.  This "HP560" within the name V6.5.0.1-HP560-B19720.cim.STARTUP means that this file is specifically for the AP model HP 560 ( for example HP 560 Wireless 802.11ac (WW) AP (J9846A) .

    The corresponding file for MSM430 has the name V6.5.0.1-MSM430-MSM460-MSM466-MSM466R-B19720.cim.startup.

    Also important to know that this is a .cim.startup file. This means that this file cannot be used to update the version of the AP via web GUI. It can be only installed on the AP via TFTP following the procedure described in this document. This procedure is only used if the AP cannot boot and no access to the GUI is possible.


    I would suggest that you call your local support and request the correct .cim.startup version and install it on the AP following the procedure in the link.

  • 3.  RE: V6.5.0.1-HP560-B19720.cim.STARTUP on msm4xx

    Posted Dec 12, 2019 05:27 AM

    thank you 

    i have another problem 

    I am unable to ping my wireless access point i connect it directly to my computer 192.168.1.x

    and when i  ping

    it reply with destination host unreachable.


  • 4.  RE: V6.5.0.1-HP560-B19720.cim.STARTUP on msm4xx

    Posted Dec 12, 2019 05:42 AM


    Please try again to put the AP in boot mode:  Use a paper clip or other tool to hold in the reset button for prolonged time (one will notice a slow flashing followed by a fast flashing). When the light is flashing quickly the access point is in BOOT mode, and the reset button can be released.

    Delete the ARP cache of your laptop with arp -d.

    Test with another cable between the AP and your laptop. Make sure that you are using a crossover cable. If you cannot use a cross over cable you can use a switch to connect your PC and the AP but you have to make sure that they are in an isolated VLAN with only the AP and your PC in it.

    Double check if your PC has a static IP in the range 192.168.1.x/24.