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  • 1.  VCX Expert Exam

    Posted Feb 10, 2009 09:01 PM

    I am making this post just so the info is easy to get to for all and to put my advice for passing the test out there. I will list the objectives for the test at the end of this post, they came directly from the 3Com university site. I have taken and passed the test twice now both on 7.0 and 7.1 so I can share that experience with you all and give you insight on how to prepare should you wish to aquire the certification.

    First I recommend you take the 2 week class if you have not. The test is a live exam and the lab you get in the class realy helps. Second studying the books alone is not going to do it! Practice on your lab equipment until you are confident in your ability to do configurations. Know troubleshooting "tricks" I recommend getting the latest copy of Steve Doan's VCX_TA tool it is awsome. Lastly make your self some good notes on the items you are a little weak on the test is open book and notes so they can save you a lot of heartache durring the exam.

    Here is a quick run down of what you have to do configure a system, set up cdr,run call traces, do back ups and restores, and trouble shoot services.You only have 8 hours to complete these tasks and it can be very stressful the first time you take it so be ready. Last if you have any questions post them here and I will answer as best I can without giving away direct test information.

    VCX IP Telephony and IP Messaging Exam Task Summary

    Bring Up A Branch Site Server (this item is about 24 of the test points)

    Administer a Central Management Console Login Password

    Create a Dialplan

    Create Custom Button Mappings

    Create New Type of Service

    Add a Phone Profile

    Add Telephones

    Add Users

    Assign Phones to Users

    Create a Call Coverage Plan

    Use Number Translation

    Provision the IP Messaging “Main Access†And Music On Hold Numbers

    Provision Routing to IP Messaging

    Create New IP Messaging Classes Of Service

    Create An IP Messaging Company with Divisions

    Create IP Messaging Mailboxes

    Create An IP Messaging Auto Attendant

    Create An IP Messaging Report

    Create A Hunt Group

    Provision Media Gateway

    Restrict Calling To A Destination

    Consolidate And Retrieve Call Detail Records

    Create A VCX Call Report

    Backup And Restore Authentication And Directory Service Data

    Backup And Restore IP Messaging Data

    Detect And Restore Failed Services

    Add A Call Processor Trusted Endpoint

    Collect And Analyze A Call Processor Log Trace

    Collect And Analyze An IP Messaging Call Trace

    3Com Certified IP Telephony VCX/NBX Expert

  • 2.  RE: VCX Expert Exam

    Posted Feb 19, 2009 06:09 PM
    Hi, I have get my vcx certificate in last november 2008 from morocco with local training and lab. i have get the exam directly after finishing the training in 10th day à 192%.

    I was not very diffecult if you do a the all training labs.

    good luck.