Thanks Cloin. I can definitely RTFM but what I'm looking for is that in the below and around the disk space section it has two parts. 500 and 1TB which one should I go with??? I added 500 to my existing but it did not recognise it.
Can someone verify the following for me?:
if I'm upgrading from 6.4 or 6.3 to 6.6, do I need to up my resources or would the current specs work?
6.6 requirements from the release notes are:
CP-VA-5K (5K Virtual Appliance OVF)
l 8 Virtual CPUs
- n Underlying CPU is recommended to have a PassMark® of 9600 or higher
l 8 GB RAM
l Disk space:
- n 500 GB disk space required for existing deployments (upgrading from 6.3.6, 6.4.7, or 6.5.x)
- n 1000 GB disk