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  • 1.  Virtual CPPM upgrade

    Posted Jul 08, 2016 06:20 PM

    Hi guys,


    I have a cluster of 3 CP-VA-5K running 6.3 that I want to upgrade to latest. I see that the ESXi required resources have changed with 6.6 to more than the original. I want to know what is the best path to upgrade? helpfully I woun't have to destroy the VM to upgrade because I noticed when I added HardDisk space to my current VM, and rebooted my CCPM, it did not detect more space!!


  • 2.  RE: Virtual CPPM upgrade

    Posted Jul 09, 2016 07:31 AM
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    The release notes for 6.6 has detailed information on upgrading from that version.



  • 3.  RE: Virtual CPPM upgrade

    Posted Jul 10, 2016 04:43 PM

    Thanks Cloin. I can definitely RTFM but what I'm looking for is that in the below and around the disk space section it has two parts. 500 and 1TB which one should I go with??? I added 500 to my existing but it did not recognise it.

    Can someone verify the following for me?:

    if I'm upgrading from 6.4 or 6.3 to 6.6, do I need to up my resources or would the current specs work?


     6.6 requirements from the release notes are:

    CP-VA-5K (5K Virtual Appliance OVF)

    l 8 Virtual CPUs

    • n Underlying CPU is recommended to have a PassMark® of 9600 or higher

    l 8 GB RAM

    l Disk space:

    1. n 500 GB disk space required for existing deployments (upgrading from 6.3.6, 6.4.7, or 6.5.x)
    2. n 1000 GB disk


  • 4.  RE: Virtual CPPM upgrade

    Posted Jul 10, 2016 05:06 PM
    you can not add HD space. you need to rebuild the VM. Backup and restore

  • 5.  RE: Virtual CPPM upgrade

    Posted Jul 11, 2016 12:21 PM

    Thanks Colin.



    from release notes of 6.6 and 6.4(below)

    Screen Shot 2016-07-11 at 9.04.28 AM.png



    It looks like:

    6.4 disk requirements are 500GB

    6.6 disk requirements for upgrade from 6.3.6 and 6.4.7 is 500GB

    6.6 for disk requirements for new deployments is 1TB


    If this is accurate then I might not need to add any disk space to my VMs that I want to upgrade to 6.6? Can you verify please?

  • 6.  RE: Virtual CPPM upgrade

    Posted Jul 12, 2016 02:32 AM

    For 6.3.x upgrades, you must update to 6.3.6 followed by applying the ClearPass 6.6.0 Upgrade. Preparation Patch before upgrading to 6.6.0 if the upgrade image needs to be manually imported into the UI or installed through the CLI. This patch is available through the Software Updates portal.


    Refere 6.6 release note for more info.


    I would go for 6.5.5 untill a next patch is released for 6.6.