Two reasons:
1st, we manage Aruba Central for the customer, but not Azure. Giving Aruba Central access to Azure to create VMs, is not an option for the customer.
2nd, because it gives us more flexibility in some of the choices that are made by Aruba Central in Azure. The orchestrator is fine, but its deployment is overkill for what we need, which drives the monthly cost higher. By doing a manual deployment we can tune at every step to only what we need, especially the storage and VM sizing.
Steven Demets
Solutions Architect
Quant ICT
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 26, 2022 05:10 PM
From: Ariya Parsamanesh
Subject: Virtual Gateway in Azure deployment
ok thanks.
BTW what is the reason you are using Unmanaged mode of deployment?
Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of Hewlett Packard Enterprise or Aruba.
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 26, 2022 03:02 AM
From: Steven Demets
Subject: Virtual Gateway in Azure deployment
Hi Ariyap,
I've opened a TAC case and had a session with a support engineer. He should have come back to me yesterday, but as usual... nothing. Will contact him again today.
Steven Demets
Solutions Architect
Quant ICT
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 25, 2022 06:16 PM
From: Ariya Parsamanesh
Subject: Virtual Gateway in Azure deployment
did you get this resolved? if not it is best to reach out to Aruba TAC.
Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of Hewlett Packard Enterprise or Aruba.
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 18, 2022 10:23 AM
From: Steven Demets
Subject: Virtual Gateway in Azure deployment
I'm trying to install a VGW instance in Azure with the ArubaOS_VGW_10.3.1.1_84780.vhd image from ASP.
In one of the steps described in the manual, I create the virtual gateway in Aruba Central and download the "userdata" needed to create the VM in Azure.
The userdata looks like this:
central_url:device-eucentral3.central.arubanetworks.comserial_no:VG2210176301username:"VG2210176301,02:1A:1E:3B:3C:6F,MC-VA,VGW"password:<somelongpassword>mac_address:02:1A:1E:3B:3C:6Fpart_number:MC-VAmode:VGWinterfaces:eth0, eth1, eth2, eth3group_name:Azure Cloudbandwidth_sku:VGW-500MBgroup_id:2eth3:LANeth2:VPNeth1:INETeth0:LAN
The VGW is created with the userdata and boots (I can follow the boot via the serial console in Azure), but doesn't seem to receive its config from Central.
I then configure it manually using the "full-configure" option and when doing a show inventory I get the following:
(VPNC-Demo) *[mynode] #show inventoryMgmt Port HW MAC Addr : 60:45:BD:8F:2F:51HW MAC Addr : 00:0D:3A:AE:29:66System Serial# : Activate license : Not ApplicableActive device type : VGW-MEDIUM(VPNC-Demo) *[mynode] #
As you can see, the MAC address is incorrect and the System Serial# has not been filled in at all.
Same for the Aruba Central part:
(VPNC-Demo) *[mynode] # show aruba-central detailsAruba Central-------------Parameter Value--------- -----Aruba Central IP/URL UnknownConnection Status DOWNTime of last disconnect N/ASmartAmon MON Bootstrap Status InitNumber of times WS connected 0Time of last connect N/A(VPNC-Demo) *[mynode] #
The Aruba Central URL from the userdata is not in there.
On top of that, the VGW only has 3 GigabitEthernet interfaces, although the manual and userdata configures four of them.
Can someone help me? Is this a change in Azure that is not yet in the Aruba documentation or is this to do with the change from 8.x to 10.x AOS versions?
Thanks for any help,
Steven Demets
Solutions Architect
Quant ICT