Controllerless Networks

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  • 1.  VLAN Assignment Rules Limit

    Posted Mar 16, 2017 05:56 AM



    From the discussion I've learned, that there are no more than 8 VLAN Assignment rules possible.


    I'm in an migration phase from HPE MSM Controller to Instant VC.

    With the MSM Controller I'm using the internal Radius Server (as I don't have any usable server at the customer location...) and have lots of teams with specific usernames, for which I've configured egress vlans on the MSM.


    With the Instant VC I can only configure 8 vlans in that manner - is that still the only way to use it?

    Now I seriously stuck in the migration with this limit.


    Any idea how I can assign 30+ VLANs with the Instant VC and without an external Radius Server?


    With kind regards


  • 2.  RE: VLAN Assignment Rules Limit

    Posted Mar 16, 2017 05:58 AM
    There might be a way. What is being used to determine what vlan a user ends up in?

  • 3.  RE: VLAN Assignment Rules Limit

    Posted Mar 16, 2017 08:16 AM

    I'm using the Username as attribute.


    Usernames are in the format:









    User Team001 has egress VLAN 10

    User Team002 has egress VLAN 20





    What I've testet:

    set-vlan User-Name equals Team002 20

    This works - but only up to 8 rules


    With kind regards
