OK, I am confused. We DO NOT tag the interface the computer is connected to or do we? I have a computer connected on port 13 on aruba switch. I have an asa connected to port 1 on same switch. I want to ping my ASA that has a sub interface Ethernet1.10 in vlan 10 from computer The interfaces are up. I cannot ping. All other ports are in default vlan.
Vlan 10-------------
ASA Port 1 untagged or untagged?
Workstation Port 13 tagged or untagged?
If I was to uplink switch to another (lets say port 20 on this switch and 20 on the other switch) tagged or untagged?
Dhcp server connected to other switch (has 2 dhcp scopes, for vlans 1 and 10) tagged or untagged?
Vlan 1------------
ASA Port 1 untagged or untagged?
Workstation Port 13 tagged or untagged?
If I was to uplink switch to another (lets say port 20 on this switch and 20 on the other switch) tagged or untagged?
Dhcp server connected to other switch (has 2 dhcp scopes, for vlans 1 and 10) tagged or untagged?
Trk's? Tagged or untagged when used as uplink?