You can't use 7005/7008 but you will need to look at the limitations on the gateway you are planning to use to determine if it meets your requirements (IPSec tunnels , throughput, etc..)
You can use the 9000 series gateways as VPNCs
Victor Fabian, ACEX#8
Mobility Architect @ WEI
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 24, 2021 07:18 AM
From: Ole Morten Kårbø
Subject: VPNC - Minimum req for gateway
I just joined the airheads and work for a aruba partner in Norway.
What is the minimum requirement for at gateway configured as a VPNC?
Can the 9004 act as VPNC?
Ole Morten Kårbø
Ole Morten Kårbø