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  • 1.  VSF ring topology on 2930F stack

    Posted May 07, 2018 01:45 PM

    I'm trying to configure a 3 switch ring topology on a 2930F stack but only the first two switches join.  I've been reading up on the documentation but I only see examples for 2 and 4 node VSF stacks.  One thing I've run into is the Link numbering.  For example, if I connect Link1 to Link1 on top and middle switch, then Link 2 to Link 2 between the middle and bottom switch, then Link 1 can only be used on the bottom switch (up to the top switch to complete the ring) but Link 1 is already used on the top switch?



  • 2.  RE: VSF ring topology on 2930F stack

    Posted May 07, 2018 01:51 PM

    what's odd, is even if I rule out the ring topology, the 3rd switch isn't coming online in the chain topology so something else is going on.  The 3rd switch is a 2930F but is the only POE switch in the stack... but I've read you can mix and max.  Firmware is all the same.

  • 3.  RE: VSF ring topology on 2930F stack

    Posted May 07, 2018 01:57 PM

    What revision of ArubaOS-Swtich firmware are you utilizing?

  • 4.  RE: VSF ring topology on 2930F stack

    Posted May 07, 2018 02:11 PM


  • 5.  RE: VSF ring topology on 2930F stack

    Posted May 07, 2018 04:16 PM

    factory defaulting the 3rd switch allowed it to join the VSF stack, however I'm unable to get the ring topology to work.  Working through that now....

  • 6.  RE: VSF ring topology on 2930F stack

    Posted May 08, 2018 09:48 AM

    Just a quick update.  The ring did eventually connect up but required me to unplug the DAC cables and plug them back in - then the ring topology formed instead of the chain. 


    Also, I was mistaken on the VSF port links.  They do not need to be linked to the same port on the other switch as this is impossible to do on a 3 switch ring topology.  For example, Link 1 on the top switch is plugged into Link 2 on the bottom switch.

  • 7.  RE: VSF ring topology on 2930F stack

    Posted May 08, 2018 01:13 PM



    When you were forming the VSF stack, were you allowing the switches to automatically join the VSF domain by connecting them to the commander/standby, or were you manually provisioning each member in advance?