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  • 1.  VSF split-detect

    Posted Aug 21, 2022 12:32 AM
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    How exactly is this meant to be done:

    • Connect the management interfaces of the primary and secondary members to the same L2 network

    pls, Enyone

    ArubaOS-CX Virtual Switching Framework (VSF) Guide 6200, 6300 Switch Series - vsf split-detect (hpe.com)


    vsf split-detect.pdf   66 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: VSF split-detect

    Posted Aug 21, 2022 07:13 AM
    It means exactly connecting them (a) to the same Broadcast Domain (a dedicated VLAN you're going to use *for* Management and also for the Split-Detection between VSF members, as example) or connecting them (b) directly each other (really point-to-point), in this latter (b) case you're going to lose the possibility to access both Management interfaces since those ones are connectly directly and not by means of an auxiliary switch (as it should happen in the former (a) case).

  • 3.  RE: VSF split-detect

    Posted Aug 21, 2022 07:52 AM
    There is no separate "management interfaces of the primary and secondary members", in a stack
    (make note of the plural: s)

    It states a (L2) VLAN, not a (L3) ip adress.

    If utilizing a L3 ip-adress in either the default or mgmt VRF, (for management)

    and a dual link to any core north-bound .

    There will be an Ip address conflict from the core, and consequently, NO management interface

    In a split-stack where a broken stack (into two); contain two Conductors, or Standbys