VSF is supported on 5400Rs and 2930Fs. So I take it you are using 2930Fs, since 5400Rs can only support two members. So th ring stack topology is supported.
First ensure that these three switch's have nearly the same firmware version like 16.05.xx to 16.08.xx, if the gap is lareger the you could possibly have issues.
Then start with the switch that will be stack commander or the first switch
usse these commands
vsf enable domain 1 <<<<< this will reboot the switch
then add these commands
vsf member 1 link 1 1/49,1/50
vsf member 1 link 2 1/51,1/52
Now you need to connect the VSF link for the second switch and power it up. It could reboot once more to sync the images if they are running different verison.
Since you have 3x switches in stack add this command to the second switch.
vsf member 2 link 2 2/49,2/50
When the third member is added to the VSF fabric, ensure to connect its second VSF link to the second link on member 1 to complete the ring formation.
Also note that best practices suggests to mitigate the effects of a VSF split, with Multi-Active Detection (MAD) feature that needs to be configured.