Hello,When creating a VSF with only two members, but joined with two DAC cables between them, is it correct that in the configuration it indicates that one of the links is down?ARUBA-SW# sh vsf link
VSF Member 1
Link Peer Peer
Link Link-Name State Member Link
---- ---------- -------- ------ ----
1 I-Link1_1 Up 2 1
2 I-Link1_2 Down 0 0
VSF Member 2
Link Peer Peer
Link Link-Name State Member Link
---- ---------- -------- ------ ----
1 I-Link2_1 Up 1 1
2 I-Link2_2 Down 0 0
Instead, the ports are up:
ARUBA-SW# sh vsf link detail
VSF Member: 1 Link: 1
Port State
-------- ------------
1/49 Up: Connected to port 2/50
1/50 Up: Connected to port 2/49
VSF Member: 2 Link: 1
Port State
-------- ------------
2/49 Up: Connected to port 1/50
2/50 Up: Connected to port 1/49
It also indicates that the topology is chain, instead of ring.VSF Topology : Chain
ARUBA-SW# sh vsf topo
VSF member's interconnection with links:
Stby Cmdr
+---+ +---+
| 2 |1==1| 1 |
+---+ +---+
Thank you very much.------------------------------
Nacho Marin