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Welcome Page Without Authentication

This thread has been viewed 12 times
  • 1.  Welcome Page Without Authentication

    Posted Feb 06, 2014 05:06 AM

    Can we Implement welcome page without implementing CP or any other authentcation? we want to implement open network without any authentication but welcome page should be shown to the users.

    Please note we do not have airwave or Clear paas installed.

  • 2.  RE: Welcome Page Without Authentication

    Posted Feb 06, 2014 05:59 AM
    See if this helps you should be able to use the controllers captive portal :

  • 3.  RE: Welcome Page Without Authentication

    Posted Feb 06, 2014 06:08 AM
    Thanks for your response, We are already implemented the same i.e guest login with "Accept" button.
    But now want eliminate that Accept button as well.
    The reason behind that is; this system has installed in hospitality sector, The user comes and connect with the SSID, Now sometimes they don't open the web browser and press the accept button; instead they just start email or watsapp or skype etc.
    Since they didn't pass the authentication process so they are failed to get the required services.

  • 4.  RE: Welcome Page Without Authentication

    Posted Feb 06, 2014 06:36 AM
    I feel your pain this is a very typical issue .

    Would be possible to allow certain protocols thru the captive portal user role like email ?

  • 5.  RE: Welcome Page Without Authentication

    Posted Feb 06, 2014 07:18 AM
    Yup that is what we have done right now. We have allowed SMTP, PoP etc but don't know what to do with Skype, Wats app etc,
    Would you please provide the list of possible protocols/ports that you allow in initial role; commonly use in such cases.

  • 6.  RE: Welcome Page Without Authentication

    Posted Feb 06, 2014 07:31 AM

    Couple of things:


    If you do your initial role ACLs correctly, most operating systems will prompt the user to open a browser. Many people just open up all Apple destinations, all Google, all Microsoft, etc because its easier and less troubleshooting. If you only open what you need, then you will most likely get a captive portal indication on the client (either the browser opens or you get a balloon that says click to open browser).


    Also, you could setup your welcome page with some embedded HTML that automatically redirects after X seconds and POSTs a credential back the controller. Use a generic account like guest / guest123. The controller would then put the user into the guest role set in the CP profile.


  • 7.  RE: Welcome Page Without Authentication

    Posted Feb 06, 2014 07:32 AM

    Just to chip in:

    If you want a welcomepage without an "accept" button you can follow my tutorial here:


    This tutorial explains how to configure the internal captive portal to log in the user automatically and redirect to a welcome page with no user interaction needed.

    The user would still need to show the captive portal in a web-browser / captive-portal-viewer to log in and get the logged-in role tho..

  • 8.  RE: Welcome Page Without Authentication

    Posted Feb 06, 2014 07:50 AM
    Thank you so much for your response, Your advices are really very valuable for me. I will try to implement those now.

    Still my question was at same point. Can we configure Welcome page with open authentication??

    I believe No, But I just need your opinion.

  • 9.  RE: Welcome Page Without Authentication

    Posted Feb 06, 2014 08:11 AM

    You still need some type of POST back to the controller to shift the role to a full access role. It might not be user facing, but you need some HTML in the background to do it.

  • 10.  RE: Welcome Page Without Authentication
    Best Answer

    Posted Feb 06, 2014 08:33 AM

    the closest solution to this have already been suggested.

    if you redirect only http+https traffic to the captive portal, and allow all other traffic, then you will get the result you need.

    The backside of this is that you will basically have a completely open internet access for your guests with no firewall rules.

    Then if you do not want this, you need to either remove allow-all and only allow spesific trafic, or allow all and block spesific traffic.

  • 11.  RE: Welcome Page Without Authentication

    Posted Feb 07, 2014 07:52 AM

    Got that... Thanks for  your support...