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  • 1.  Why clearpass needs 1TB of space disk?

    Posted Jan 04, 2020 03:26 PM


    I know is the requirement but the clients wants to know why.

    His old clearplass was just using 50GB and he doesnt know why he would need going from 500GB to 1 TB for a new clearpass installation.   The recommened before was 500GB and he wasnt even using 1/4 of it.


    i could think if he was using maybe all features  which he is not, he is just using it for guest.   But he wants a reply from aruba for this 

    Can anyone from Product and development asnwer me this ? the real reason behind this? i mean if its possible to know this information. 





  • 2.  RE: Why clearpass needs 1TB of space disk?

    Posted Jan 04, 2020 03:53 PM
    The disk is split in half to maintain a full copy to allow a rapid roll back of a major release upgrade.

  • 3.  RE: Why clearpass needs 1TB of space disk?

    Posted Jan 04, 2020 04:18 PM

    Another reason is that ClearPass is a security product that use disk encryption, encrypted disks cannot be extended later on without re-install the appliance. Because ClearPass is also a critical component in the infrastructure you dont want that the disk usage increase to the disk limits in the future.


    I agree many customers have difficulty with the high disk requirements. Aruba product developers should take a look if its possible to lower the requirements. Through a hypervisor appliance there are several other ways to quickly restore a full backup.