Zero touch configuration works on Remote APS not on campus APS.
Basically you configure the RAP configuration ont he controller.
Now on the remote site you can even SEND the AP withotu configuring to the remote site.
On the remote site you just need to connect the AP and if you previusly configured aruba activate with the correct provisioning rule you have to do NOTHING just connecting it, and he willl look for the aruba activate service download the config of who is the wireless controller, after that the AP will look to the wireless controller and automatically will download the firmware and the config without you touching anything... thats why its called zero tocuh.
If you using RAP2 APs then well you will need to manually set the wireless controller AP but after you do that he will download his firwmare and the config.
I dont know if you need more info about it?
Aruba activate also works with Instant APS, but then you will need an Airwave so he can send a configuration template config.