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Just to update this in case this is useful for anyone else: We added extra addresses by using VRRP groups (just a single VRRP group with no matching partner on any other controller). This was the method recommended by our Aruba technical contacts. However, when we include an...
A few months ago, we discussed if enterprises are ready to deploy a 5GHz only wireless network . Many concerns were brought out with regards to the “5GHz-only network” including the nature of the Wi-Fi radios (resulting in excessive interference), the client availability and the design of...
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Hello community, I have a new AP-335 connected to my 7010 controller (, updated from I put in in the same group as my AP-215. But the radio mode is now "AM" and not "Access". Where can I change this? The rf profiles for a and g radio are the default profiles. #show ap...
EDIT: Sorry. It appears I had out of date data sheet. New version of DS has nice antenna pattern plots. Please del this post. AP320Series.pdf Hi, Anybody has AP 325 (or 335) antenna propagation pattern charts? These APs have 30 deg max...
Hi! Can anyone tell me if the offical release date has been set yet for the IAP-325? We are starting to get a ton of customer questions and I'd like to give them something better than "hopefully be end of February"! Thank you! #AP325 #AP-300
I'm working on WiFi design for an old sporting stadium (15,000 seats), besides it is used for music concerts and videogames events. I'm compiling information about WiFi design with very high density environments: - - - https:...