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Hi, everyone. Why doesn't AP535 support 4.8Gbps? Do you know the difference between the two? AP515 Wi-Fi radio specifications 802.11ax (5 GHz): 3.6 to 4,803 (MCS0 to MCS11, NSS = 1 to 4, HE20 to HE160) AP535 Wi-Fi radio specifications 802.11ax (5 GHz): 3.6...
3AC1FB9F-874D-4C34-92DD-2F6D28EA13D0-1-AP515_AP535 RADIO SPEC.jpg
Hi there, I've got a AP515 on a Cisco switch with 15.4W: Available:370.0(w) Used:15.4(w) Remaining:354.6(w) Interface Admin Oper Power Device Class Max (Watts) -- -- --- --- -- -- -- Fa0/10 auto on 15.4 Ieee PD 4 15.4 I don't get in online with IPM configured: ...
hi all, This is a kind of mini (unofficial) advisory to help people avoid an outage, or better, resolve the issue quickly should they find themselves in it. There is already a thread about this elsewhere in the forum (including most of the below info), but I plan to have...