
New Search Capabilities

By alc posted Dec 20, 2012 03:48 PM


We are pleased to introduce new and more robust search capabilities on Airheads Social!  These new features will allow for the simultaneous search of multiple Aruba Networks resources and the flexibility to narrow a search to a single resource.


For example, a single query request will now yield the most relevant technical content related to your keyword(s) that has aggregated the results received from Aruba Support Center, Aruba Networks Corporate Website, and Airheads Social Community. In addition, you will be able to narrow your search to one content source at a time.


The New Global Search Box (found on the upper right hand corner of the page) searches for technical content across the following resources:

  • Aruba Support Center & Knowledge Base> TAC documentation, tools, software downloads, and Support Knowledge Base articles
  • Aruba Networks Corporate Website> validated reference designs, data sheets, user guides
  • Airheads Social Community> peer-to-peer forums, blogs, technical articles, and Airheads event content




The Community Search Box (found on top of the right hand navigation column) searches for only content from the Airheads Community. Functionality of this local community search box remains the same. You can continue to use this search box to search for community posts, articles, ideas and users.




We believe the new search capabilities will improve your community user experience and help you get the information you need more quickly and comprehensively. Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback in the comment section below.


Airheads Social Community Team