Wireless Access

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Access network design for branch, remote, outdoor, and campus locations with HPE Aruba Networking access points and mobility controllers.
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connectivity issues

This thread has been viewed 6 times
  • 1.  connectivity issues

    Posted Dec 16, 2013 02:25 PM

    I am currently testing 1 AP-105. This is connected to a port on my firewall, where I have set everything open, but sometimes I have some problems. The problem seems to be that most sites users go to will be hit or miss on of they will load, or when they will load. For example when trying to go to www.cnn.com might not work, but checking after 5 minutes it will. Then it might only load the very basic html copy of the site, with everything striped out, until you refresh and eventually get the full version of the site. Local content, such as file shares and even Spiceworks provide no issues for the wireless connections. It only seems to be content and data coming from the internet. Also, e-mail connections and logmein connections will be connected with no issues even if you're unable to get to another site that is, in fact, up.


    Here is a copy of my log file:




     12/16/2013 19:57:43 PM    Target: AP_Receptie    Command: show log debug



    Dec 16 19:55:28  awc[1009]: Message over SSL from, SSL_read() returned 0, Message is "", AWC response: HTTP/1.1 302 ^M Server: ^M Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 18:54:28 GMT^M Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate,post-check=0,pre-check=0^M Location:^M Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8^M Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8^M Connection: close^M ^M <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>302 </TITLE></HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#cc9999" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#2020ff" VLINK="#4040cc"

    > <H4>302 </H4>  <ADDRESS><A HREF="http://www.arubanetworks.com"></A></ADDRESS> </BODY> </HTML>

    Dec 16 19:55:28  syslogd: Syslogd error: Unable to parse find msg id 0


    Dec 16 19:55:28  awc[1009]: Message over SSL from, SSL_read() returned 0, Message is "", AWC response: HTTP/1.1 302 ^M Server: ^M Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 18:54:28 GMT^M Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate,post-check=0,pre-check=0^M Location:^M Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8^M Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8^M Connection: close^M ^M <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>302 </TITLE></HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#cc9999" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#2020ff" VLINK="#4040cc"

    > <H4>302 </H4>  <ADDRESS><A HREF="http://www.arubanetworks.com"></A></ADDRESS> </BODY> </HTML>

    Dec 16 19:55:28  syslogd: Syslogd error: Unable to parse find msg id 0


    Dec 16 19:55:28  awc[1009]: Message over SSL from, SSL_read() returned 0, Message is "", AWC response: HTTP/1.1 302 ^M Server: ^M Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 18:54:28 GMT^M Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate,post-check=0,pre-check=0^M Location:^M Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8^M Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8^M Connection: close^M ^M <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>302 </TITLE></HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#cc9999" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#2020ff" VLINK="#4040cc"

    > <H4>302 </H4>  <ADDRESS><A HREF="http://www.arubanetworks.com"></A></ADDRESS> </BODY> </HTML>

    Dec 16 19:55:28  syslogd: Syslogd error: Unable to parse find msg id 0


    Dec 16 19:55:28  awc[1009]: Message over SSL from, SSL_read() returned 0, Message is "", AWC response: HTTP/1.1 302 ^M Server: ^M Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 18:54:28 GMT^M Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate,post-check=0,pre-check=0^M Location:^M Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8^M Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8^M Connection: close^M ^M <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>302 </TITLE></HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#cc9999" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#2020ff" VLINK="#4040cc"

    > <H4>302 </H4>  <ADDRESS><A HREF="http://www.arubanetworks.com"></A></ADDRESS> </BODY> </HTML>

    Dec 16 19:55:28  awc[1009]: Sent header(len=274) 'POST /swarm HTTP/1.1^M Host:^M Content-Length: 0^M X-Type: login^M X-Guid: 302035870170deb51978ae8edc435ea4ea2a2192bdcc978528^M X-Name: Instant-CD:FA:07^M X-Organization: ^M X-Shared-Secret: WIfi6622^M X-OEM-Tag: Aruba^M X-Ap-Info: BT0750379, 24:de:c6:cd:fa:07, AP-105^M ^M '

    Dec 16 19:55:28  awc[1009]: Message over SSL from, SSL_read() returned 0, Message is "", AWC response: (null)

    Dec 16 19:55:28  awc[1009]: Message over SSL from, SSL_read() returned 0, Message is "", AWC response:

    Dec 16 19:55:41  mini_httpd[12916]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:55:41  awc[1009]: Message over SSL from, SSL_read() returned 0, Message is "", AWC response:

    Dec 16 19:56:00  mdns[1041]: trace_rotate_file: rotating /var/log/trace/mdns.log

    Dec 16 19:56:00  mdns[1041]: trace_on: tracing to "/var/log/trace/mdns.log" started

    Dec 16 19:56:00  awc[1009]: Message over SSL from, SSL_read() returned 0, Message is "", AWC response:

    Dec 16 19:56:11  mini_httpd[12933]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:56:11  awc[1009]: Message over SSL from, SSL_read() returned 0, Message is "", AWC response:



    Dec 16 19:56:41  mini_httpd[12953]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:56:46  mini_httpd[12952]: handle_request: 1794: got nothing, child exit after 0 requests

    Dec 16 19:57:11  mini_httpd[12970]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:14  mini_httpd[12971]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:14  syslog: User admin IP login by web UI successfully

    Dec 16 19:57:15  mini_httpd[12982]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:15  mini_httpd[12983]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:15  mini_httpd[12987]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:15  mini_httpd[12988]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:15  mini_httpd[12986]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:16  mini_httpd[12991]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:16  mini_httpd[12994]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:16  mini_httpd[12993]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:16  mini_httpd[12992]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:16  mini_httpd[12995]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:17  mini_httpd[12991]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:17  mini_httpd[12994]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:18  mini_httpd[12986]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:18  mini_httpd[13002]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:19  awc[1009]: Writing on SSL connection failed even after 25 tries, Error code: 5

    Dec 16 19:57:19  awc[1009]: disconnected from airwave

    Dec 16 19:57:19  cli[1026]: <341004> <WARN> |AP AP_Receptie@ cli|  awc_logout

    Dec 16 19:57:19  awc[1009]: [truncated] awc_login: 1621: writing device_cert_pem='-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIG4zCCBcugAwIBAgIKfBqYrQAAAE6QszANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADBdMRMwEQYK CZImiZPyLGQBGRYDY29tMR0wGwYKCZImiZPyLGQBGRYNYXJ1YmFuZXR3b3JrczES MBAGCgmSJomT8ixkARkWAmNhMRMwEQYDVQQDEwpERVZJQ0UtQ0ExMB4XDTEzMDgy MjAyMTc0NloXDTMyMDkxNDAzMjExNFowJzElMCMGA1UEAxMcQlQwNzUwMzc5Ojoy NDpkZTpjNjpjZDpmYTowNzCCASEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEOADCCAQkCggEA tuy2hfo7ZXiF0u7IuQytrHaX9V9OXGSWOejx7g5OsmOF/n12HSW6AEtMIStFTPtI hECM4Bg/4gh


    Dec 16 19:57:20  mini_httpd[13003]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''



    Dec 16 19:57:20  mini_httpd[12987]: handle_read_timeout: 4226: child exit after 1 requests

    Dec 16 19:57:20  mini_httpd[12988]: handle_read_timeout: 4226: child exit after 1 requests

    Dec 16 19:57:20  mini_httpd[13005]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:20  mini_httpd[13006]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:21  mini_httpd[12993]: handle_read_timeout: 4226: child exit after 1 requests

    Dec 16 19:57:21  mini_httpd[12992]: handle_read_timeout: 4226: child exit after 1 requests

    Dec 16 19:57:21  mini_httpd[12995]: handle_read_timeout: 4226: child exit after 1 requests

    Dec 16 19:57:21  mini_httpd[13002]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:22  mini_httpd[13009]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:23  mini_httpd[13012]: handle_request: 1794: got nothing, child exit after 0 requests

    Dec 16 19:57:23  mini_httpd[13013]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:23  mini_httpd[13015]: handle_request: 1794: got nothing, child exit after 0 requests

    Dec 16 19:57:23  mini_httpd[13014]: handle_request: 1794: got nothing, child exit after 0 requests

    Dec 16 19:57:25  mini_httpd[13003]: handle_read_timeout: 4226: child exit after 1 requests

    Dec 16 19:57:25  mini_httpd[13004]: handle_read_timeout: 4226: child exit after 1 requests

    Dec 16 19:57:25  mini_httpd[13005]: handle_read_timeout: 4226: child exit after 1 requests

    Dec 16 19:57:25  mini_httpd[13006]: handle_read_timeout: 4226: child exit after 1 requests

    Dec 16 19:57:27  mini_httpd[13009]: handle_read_timeout: 4226: child exit after 1 requests

    Dec 16 19:57:28  mini_httpd[13013]: handle_read_timeout: 4226: child exit after 1 requests

    Dec 16 19:57:29  awc[1009]: awc_connect to

    Dec 16 19:57:29  mini_httpd[13022]: handle_request: 1760: SSL_accept fail, child exit after 0 requests error:00000005:lib(0):func(0):reason(5)

    Dec 16 19:57:30  mini_httpd[13024]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:30  syslog: process_msg_ref: 20: got msg_ref of len 10453 and body '/tmp/.cli_msg_zSL1rO'

    Dec 16 19:57:30  syslog: process_msg_ref: 33: opening '/tmp/.cli_msg_zSL1rO'

    Dec 16 19:57:30  syslog: process_msg_ref: 38: reading large msg

    Dec 16 19:57:30  syslog: process_msg_ref: 41: read large msg of 10452 bytes

    Dec 16 19:57:35  mini_httpd[13023]: handle_request: 1794: got nothing, child exit after 0 requests

    Dec 16 19:57:39  mini_httpd[13030]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:39  syslog: process_msg_ref: 20: got msg_ref of len 11017 and body '/tmp/.cli_msg_T3cOyK'

    Dec 16 19:57:39  syslog: process_msg_ref: 33: opening '/tmp/.cli_msg_T3cOyK'

    Dec 16 19:57:39  syslog: process_msg_ref: 38: reading large msg

    Dec 16 19:57:39  syslog: process_msg_ref: 41: read large msg of 11016 bytes

    Dec 16 19:57:40  mini_httpd[13029]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

    Dec 16 19:57:40  syslog: process_msg_ref: 20: got msg_ref of len 11482 and body '/tmp/.cli_msg_Ui0Zkb'

    Dec 16 19:57:40  syslog: process_msg_ref: 33: opening '/tmp/.cli_msg_Ui0Zkb'

    Dec 16 19:57:40  syslog: process_msg_ref: 38: reading large msg

    Dec 16 19:57:40  syslog: process_msg_ref: 41: read large msg of 11481 bytes

    Dec 16 19:57:43  mini_httpd[13037]: tp_acl_cp_user_get: 1489: Could not retrieve valid data from datapath for session ''-''

  • 2.  RE: connectivity issues

    Posted Dec 16, 2013 02:49 PM

    And I have these issues only when I connect witch the Aruba AP. I have some basic AP's and these work fine...

  • 3.  RE: connectivity issues

    Posted Dec 16, 2013 02:51 PM

    Try to change the MTU setting in the ap-system profile to 1400.

  • 4.  RE: connectivity issues

    Posted Dec 16, 2013 03:04 PM

    Is that under Services - Calea and then change MTU to 1400?



  • 5.  RE: connectivity issues

    Posted Dec 16, 2013 03:12 PM

    it sounds like you have an Instant AP.  I'm not sure where to change the MTU on those.  It might be listed in the UG or CLI guide, or someone else may be able to suggest

  • 6.  RE: connectivity issues

    Posted Dec 16, 2013 05:39 PM

    Can you paste your config as well as the switchport config on the wired uplink?

  • 7.  RE: connectivity issues

    Posted Dec 17, 2013 02:46 AM

    The AP is connected to a port on my Fortigate 100D firewall. On this port the following is applied:

    - ip/netmast:

    - My windows server is DHCP-server and DNS Server

    - All access from that port to server and wan is allowed now



  • 8.  RE: connectivity issues

    Posted Dec 17, 2013 04:57 AM

    This is my current configuration in the AP:


    version virtual-controller-country BE

    virtual-controller-key 302035870170deb51978ae8edc435ea4ea2a2192bdcc978528 name WIFI_Houtland organization houtland.be


    ntp-server 0.be.pool.ntp.org clock

    timezone Amsterdam 01 00 rf-band

    all ams-ip

    ams-key deleted

    allow-new-aps allowed-ap


    arm wide-bands 5ghz

    min-tx-power 18

    max-tx-power 127

    band-steering-mode prefer-5ghz

    air-time-fairness-mode fair-access

    client-aware scanning

    syslog-level warn ap-debug

    syslog-level warn network

    syslog-level warn security

    syslog-level warn system s

    yslog-level warn user

    syslog-level warn



    warn wireless

    mgmt-user admin

    wlan access-rule

    default_wired_port_profile index 0

    rule any any match any any any permit

    wlan access-rule CVO_Administratie index 5

    rule any any match any any any permit

    CVO_Administratie enable index 3

    type employee

    essid CVO_Administratie


    opmode wpa2-psk-aes

    max-authentication-failures 0

    auth-server InternalServer rf-band all

    captive-portal disable d

    tim-period 1

    inactivity-timeout 1000

    broadcast-filter none

    dmo-channel-utilization-threshold 90

    local-probe-req-thresh 0

    max-clients-threshold 64

    auth-survivability cache-time-out 24

    wlan external-captive-portal server localhost port 80 url "/" auth-text "Authenticated" blacklist-time 3600 auth-failure-blacklist-time 3600 ids wireless-containment none wired-port-profile


    switchport-mode trunk allowed-vlan all native-vlan 1 shutdown access-rule-name default_wired_port_profile speed auto duplex full no poe type employee captive-portal disable no dot1x wired-port-profile wired-instant switchport-mode access allowed-vlan all native-vlan guest no shutdown access-rule-name wired-instant speed auto duplex auto no poe type guest captive-portal disable no dot1x enet0-port-profile default_wired_port_profile uplink preemption enforce none failover-internet-pkt-lost-cnt 10 failover-internet-pkt-send-freq 30 failover-vpn-timeout 180 airgroup disable airgroupservice airplay disable description AirPlay airgroupservice airprint disable description AirPrint