
Monthly Recognition for May, 2013

By KaLin posted Jun 03, 2013 01:46 PM


Hello fellow Airheads!


The Airheads Social team would like to recognize the top 10 Kudoed Authors, within the community, for the month of May. This will provide you with a list of your fellow Airheads, along with the number of Kudos they received for the month.  Click on their usernames to be taken to their profiles where you can check out some of their posts or send them a personal message. 



Join us in recognizing our top 10 Kudoed Authors for their contributions this month!     


Please help recognize helpful and informative content on the community by giving it a Kudo! 



To give a Kudo to a post, look in the lower right corner of the post and click on the star to add a Kudo.  Once you’ve Kudoed a post, you’ll see the Kudos count increment on the left of the star. For reference, see the following image.  Please note: you won’t be able to Kudo your own posts.


Kudos Button Image.png


Check back next month for a new Community Recognition topic of your top Kudoed Authors from June! 


-  Your Airheads Social Community Team