Controller Based WLANs

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APs, Controllers, VIA

What does this error message mean: "Filename: Mips32.ari TFTP Error: ‘File not found’ in AP-105"? 

Jul 03, 2014 05:59 PM

Question: What does this error message mean: "Filename: Mips32.ari TFTP Error: ‘File not found’ in AP-105"?


Product and Software: This article applies to AP-105.

The root cause of this error is that the AP cannot perform a code upgrade.


Scenario 1

Check the ArubaOS code.

The minimum requirement to bring up an AP-105 is ArubaOS 3.3.3+ or ArubaOS 3.4.1+.

If the controller is running pre 3.3.3 code, upgrade the code to fix the issue.


Scenario 2

If the AP is not connected to the controller directly, bring up the AP in the controller and then connect it to the desired location. This process loads mips32.ari to the AP so that the AP can upgrade the code.


Scenario 3

The AP has no power adapter and you want to use the PoE feature. A few controller series like the 200 and 3000 Series do not support PoE. In this case, the AP cannot be terminated physically in the controller. Instead, connect the AP to the PoE switch, which is connected to the controller. Then assign a static IP configuration for the AP using the following commands:

apboot> setenv ipaddr <ip address>

apboot> setenv netmask <netmask>

apboot> setenv gatewayip <ip address of the gateway>

apboot> setenv master <ip address of the master>

apboot> setenv serverip <ip address of the TFTP server>

apboot> setenv bootcmd tftp

apboot> save

apboot> boot

Locally configure the TFTP server for the AP and load the mips32.ari file from the controller with the help of the TFTP application.

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