Controller Based WLANs

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APs, Controllers, VIA

Error "couldn't load XMLHttpRequest" shows up when accessing controller's web interface using Internet Explorer. 

Jun 29, 2014 01:24 PM

Environment : This article applies to Windows clients using Internet Explorer 8, 9 or 10 in compatibility view mode.


IE (Internet Explorer) pops up the error "couldn't load XMLHttpRequest" when logging in to the controller web interface and the GUI doesn't show anything on the page. With other browsers like Firefox and Chrome, the web interface works fine.

This error occurs if the Internet Explorer is running in Compatibility View mode and the controllers web address or IP address is not added to the list of websites to be displayed in compatibility view. Follow the steps to add the controller's ip address to the compatibility view settings in the IE:
Once the IP address of the controller is added then close the IE window and re-open again to access the controller web interface.

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