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Aruba NetInsight: AI-Powered Analytics and Assurance

By trent posted Mar 27, 2018 07:45 AM


The world is digital, and mobile devices and mobility is how users choose to work today. People expect high-quality personalized experiences for everything from collaboration tools and gaining building access to reserving a conference room. Whether it’s a workplace, a school, a hotel or a store, the world has gone digital and that means the need for great Wi-Fi everywhere. 


But the reality is different: As more mobile and IoT devices are connected, networks are becoming more complex, making it increasingly difficult to deliver on people’s expectations. When Wi-Fi performance is poor, employees are unproductive, customers are disappointed, and students aren’t learning. It also means IT is spending too much time trying to find and fix problems – and that’s driving up the cost of network operations.


More often than not, the IT team doesn’t know about a connectivity issue until a user calls the helpdesk. To make matters worse, the network is always the first to be blamed for any kind of performance issue.


Troubleshooting and resolving a wireless problem can take hours or even days. IT is mostly reactive, and few teams have the time and expertise to proactively improve the network and user experience.


Legacy tools don’t make it any easier. Traditional monitoring tools are mostly reactive, with little ability to provide a dynamic view of mobile user behavior, device connections and the effect apps have on the network as users move across a campus. Network operations teams have little more than a static view of problems, without the continuous visibility and concrete steps needed to improve the user experience. 


A Better Way to Deliver Great Wi-Fi

Aruba is introducing NetInsight, which provides data-driven guidance that enables organizations to continuously improve network performance by proactively identifying and preempting issues before user and businesses are impacted. Powered by machine learning and Aruba’s deep expertise in wireless, Aruba NetInsight is a better way to monitor, diagnose and fix network problems. With NetInsight, the network itself becomes a sensor that can be harnessed to assure the best user experience possible.


Smart analytics automate the complex task of identifying where potential problems exist. NetInsight continuously monitors the network and makes specific recommendations that can improve how the network performs. By proactively fixing potential issues, IT can stop the reactive cycle. Help desk calls are reduced, troubleshooting and problem resolution are minimized, and the IT staff is freed up for more strategic work.




NetInsight also provides a broader perspective from across the Aruba community: Using data analytics, it can anonymously compare a customer’s network to networks at similar organizations. For the first time, IT has a real-world, comparative network benchmarking solution, that compares to like organizations and even similar building types. The power of our insights multiplies, as NetInsight’s learning is gathered and shared across customers. It’s a smart way to leverage external resources that help you run a best-in-class network.


A More Effective Network Operations Team

Using NetInsight lifts the burden on the network operations team. Visibility into developing problems means less downtime, and when problems do occur, the team can fix them faster. That keeps users happy, productive and with a positive impression of the network. In turn, the IT team spends less time doing break/fix work and more time delivering strategic value to the business.


Using smart analytics addresses the very real world issue of human scale. Network teams are overloaded, yet the work is growing. Finding skilled network managers and engineers can be very difficult. NetInsight monitors the network around the clock, something many IT teams simply aren’t staffed to do. By providing guidance on the best network configuration for your environment, it helps network managers and even IT generalists build and operate a better network.


Deliver Value Beyond the Data

NetInsight can do more than just make the network better. Data visualizations of how people move around a campus and where they congregate can be invaluable for real estate and space planning purposes. That data can be used to optimize office space and energy consumption and even help understand user’s locations in the event of emergency situations.


At Aruba, we are hard at work on the future of networking – one that is powered by analytics and assurance solutions that make IT’s job easier. The goal is to offer network infrastructure that constantly learns and automatically adjusts to a dynamic world. A network that is attuned to intent, and continuously learning and optimizing for the best possible experience without the constant attention – nonstop networking


To learn more about Aruba NetInsight.