Network Management

  • 1.  Cant undo aaa command

    Posted Jul 24, 2019 02:44 AM

    Hey i set aaa fuction on specific port

    And i want to remove it from the port.

    I removed every command but I cant remove only 2 command:


    aaa port-access authenticator tx-pperiod 10

    aaa port-access authenticator supplicant-timeout 60


    i try to remove by: no aaa port-access authenticator tx-pperiod

    or: no aaa port-access authenticator supplicant-timeout

    Module not present for port or invalid port: tx-period

    Module not present for port or invalid port: supplicant-timeout


    So how i remove thats command ??



  • 2.  RE: Cant undo aaa command
    Best Answer

    Posted Jul 25, 2019 05:21 AM

    You will need to set it back to the default value (30 seconds for both) and the command disappears from the config:

    sw01(config)# show running-config int 6
    Running configuration:
    interface 6
       untagged vlan 32
       aaa port-access authenticator tx-period 10
       aaa port-access authenticator supplicant-timeout 60
    sw01(config)# aaa port-access authenticator 6 tx-period 30
    sw01(config)# aaa port-access authenticator 6 supplicant-timeout 30
    sw01(config)# show running-config int 6
    Running configuration:
    interface 6
       untagged vlan 32

    You can look up the default values in the ArubaOS-Switch Access Security Guide (for these port security/aaa commands).

  • 3.  RE: Cant undo aaa command

    Posted Jul 25, 2019 06:25 AM

    Thank you very much its work.