Community Platform How-to

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What are Kudos and How Do I Give Them 

Jun 11, 2013 05:11 PM

We wanted to highlight one of the major components of the Airheads Community – Kudos.  Giving Kudos is a way for

community members to give positive feedback to another member based on the contents of a particular forum post.  Simply put, it tells the person receiving the Kudo that their post was helpful to the discussion and deserves to be recognized.

Besides recognizing individual excellence in the community, using Kudos lets the receiving member know their time and effort in assisting with a question is appreciated, thereby increasing the likelihood they will continue being supportive within the community.  In addition, giving and receiving Kudos is a component of the Community Ranking process.



How to Give Kudos

If a member views a post that they believe warrants congratulations, they may give that poster a Kudo by:


  • On the message from the member you’d like to give the Kudo to, click on the Kudo button on the bottom right side of the post.








  • Once clicked, the Kudo image will show the addition of at least one (1) Kudo point.  Multiple members can Kudo the same post.



Once you have given the post a Kudo, each party will receive credit – the original poster received points in the Kudos

Received category and the member who awarded the Kudo receives Kudos Given credit.  Kudos can be applied to Airheads Community Forums, Blogs and Idea Exchange entries.  The most frequently Kudo’d community members are displayed on the community homepage.


Important notes about Kudos


  • Members cannot Kudo their own posts, nor can members Kudo the same post more than once.
  • Anyone who has contributed a post to the community may give a Kudo to a post.
  • Kudos from some members may have increased weight, e.g., instead of one point for each Kudo Given, these members Kudos count for two (2) points.
  • Be mindful of Terms and Conditions





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