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AirRecorder Tutorial - Part 2 

Dec 19, 2014 05:44 PM

The second part of this tutorial will discuss the use of placeholders and variables.




Placeholders are a convenient method to parametrize commands sent to a controller. By default, placeholder definitions are read from a file named:

"placeholders" or "placeholders.txt". 

You can change the default by using the command line option:

--placeholders <placeholders-file>


The placeholders file is a simple text file with a single placeholder specification per line. A placeholder specification takes the form: 



For example:



A placeholder is later referenced in the commands file by using the following syntax: ${<placeholdername>}. For each placeholder value, AirRecorder will run the specified command with the "${<placeholdername>}” string replaced with its corresponding value.


For example, consider an entry like this in your commands file:

0,show ap active ap-name ${apname}


and AirRecorder would run two commands once each:

show ap active ap-name AP1

show ap active ap-name AP2


NOTE: a placeholder definition can be spread over multiple lines by escaping the end of line with a \








Variables offer an additional flexible way of parametrising commands sent to a controller. Whereas placeholders use a predefined set of values, variables work with data that is fetched from the controller at runtime. For example, to run a command for every AP on the controller, one would use the variable: %{ap:name}. 

Out of the box, AirRecorder comes with a pre-defined list of variables:


%{ap:name} => all AP names as listed by "show ap active", column Name

%{ap:group} => all AP group names as listed by "show ap active", column Group

%{ap-group:name} => all AP group names as listed by "show ap-group", column Name

%{user:ip} => all IP addresses as listed by "show user-table", column IP

%{user:mac => all MAC addresses as listed by "show user-table", column MAC

%{user:name} => all user names as listed by "show user-table", column Name


%{time:hhmm} => outputs current controller time as hours:minutes (i.e. 10:42)

%{time:mmmdd} => outputs current controller time as month day (i.e. Jun 19)


Consider following entry in your commands file:

0,show ap active ap-name %{ap:name}


would instruct AirRecorder to run the command once for each active AP name.


NOTE: while variables offer a powerful way of running the same commands against multiple values, please keep in mind that it potentially generates a high number of commands that are send towards the CLI process of the controller. Use with caution!



Variables post-processing


The data set of a variable can be post-processed using processors. The general syntax is for a processor is:



AirRecorder comes out of the box with following processors:

- .upper(): convert variable values into upper case

- .lower(): convert variable values into lower case

- .droplast(): drop last value from variable values

- .include("include string"): retains only values that contains "include string"

- .exclude("exclude string"): retains only values that do not contain "exclude string"

- .match("regular expression"): retains only values that match the regular expression

- .differ("regular expression"): retains only values that do not match the regular expression

- .replace("regular expression", "replacement"): replaces every variable value 

                                                 matching regular expression 

                                                 with replacement


Note that processors can be chained.





NOTE/LIMITATION: when escaping in regular expressions, one needs to use double escape \ with \\: i.e. write \\S+.* for final expression: \S+.*



Custom variables


Custom variable definitions allow for arbitrary data extraction. The syntax is as follows:




- <command> is the command to run to fetch values, i.e. "show ap active"

- <marker> is the marker line to parse output, i.e. "Active AP Table"

- <column> is the name of the column to extract, i.e. "Name"

- <ttl> is the time-to-live of the variable content:

  -1: variable is loaded once (default)

  0: variable is loaded every time

  x: variable is loaded every x seconds


Consider following example, with an entry like this in your commands file:

0,show ap debug radio-stats ap-name #{show ap database group APGROUP status up,,Name}


and AirRecorder would run the command once for each active AP in the AP group named APGROUP.



- the variable parser currently understands only the table based output commands

- marker and column are CASE sensitive

- marker can be left empty, i.e. #{<command>,,<column>[,<ttl>]}



#{show clock,<format>,<N/A>,<always 0>} will output current controller time

  according to <format>. <column> is ignored and <ttl> is always 0.

  <format> patterns are described in


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