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SMS gateway (SMSGATEWAYHUB) configuration with Custom HTTP Handler in ClearPass. 

Jun 25, 2019 02:28 PM



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SMS gateway configuration with Custom HTTP Handler in ClearPass - with SMSGATEWAYHUB


Assistance in replication for the SMS with HTTP handler in Aruba ClearPass.



 Click on Dashboard and further click on API Room.



You will be navigated to Web HTTP API Document page with Download PDF Button.



Link to API Document: 


Using the SMSGATEWAYHUB gateway to send the SMS using HTTP protocol.


Sending a Single Message To send a single message of any type (normal text messages, Unicode messages, Flash Messages), the gateway requires parameters like API KEY for authentication purpose in below URL format. 2&DCS=0&flashsms=0&number=91989xxxxxxx&text=test message&route=clickhere


Break Down of the API SendSMS Call.

&senderid=WEBSMS {Unique ID associate with your account created on smsgatewayhub}

&channel= 2 {Message channel indicates the type of SMS usage promotional or transactional}

&DCS=0 {Data Coding value, we will use the 8 for Unicode messaging in ClearPass}

&flashsms=0 {Flash message immediate display}

&number=91989xxxxxxx {Number of recipient}

&text=test message {Text of the message}

&route=click here {Pass the route id in this parameter to route the message}


So below is the must need parameters in HTTP handle to send the SMS.


TO find the above values.


Sender ID:

Click on Text SMS > Send SMS on left pane.



Click on API Document’s > </> API Key



HTTP call from the browser.

Now according to the above document we can use the below URL to the HTTP Post and send the SMS to any Indian mobile. 




ClearPass Configuration.


Navigate to Home » Configuration » SMS Services » Gateways



Select Custom HTTP Handler from the drop down menu.             


So we are just replacing the APIKey (configured on ClearPass with API ID), number (recipient configured in ClearPass To) as well as text (with message to send)

Other by defaults parameters we are keeping which are MUST needed SMS parameters.

Configure the above URL as service URL, Configure the below parameters as well.



Additional settings.



Navigate to Home » Configuration » Pages » Self-Registrations

Edit the register page and add the auto_send_sms parameter to the Form of the Guest self-registration page.

Then upon account creation we want to send the SMS to the user with username and password.

And Edit one self-registration page > Edit the page and click on Actions.





Testing results can be verified from below steps. 


Follow the application logs.

 ClearPass Guest > Home » Administration » Support » Application Log



Another Test Result.




NOTE: We can send the SMS to any Indian mobile number (+91) since this SMS gateway (SMSGATEWAYHUB) supports in India Only.



SMS with CUSTOM HTTP Handler updated New.pdf


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