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3COM Switch VLAN config *old school*

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  • 1.  3COM Switch VLAN config *old school*

    Posted Aug 27, 2018 02:49 PM

    Hello everyone,

    I've got my hands on a 3COM 4500 26 port switch from 2006, and have been feverishly reading forums online and its documentations to figure out how to properly configure VLANs on this switch via putty command line (serial connection).
    VLAN 1 is "Default" and no ports can be added or removed from it. Ports, however, can be tagged to it (hybrid, access, trunk, etc)

    [hsp]display vlan 1
     VLAN ID: 1
     VLAN Type: static
     Route Interface: configured
     IP Address:
     Subnet Mask:
     Description: VLAN 0001
     Tagged   Ports:
                 GigabitEthernet1/0/25 GigabitEthernet1/0/26
     Untagged Ports: none

    VLAN 2 is the vlan I want to use. I have set the IP as - it has been configured many times with multiple different combinations of different ports, but does not route that given IP, but instead routes the default gateway network. All 26 ports are on that VLAN AND are UNtagged.

    [hsp]display vlan 2
     VLAN ID: 2
     VLAN Type: static
     Route Interface: configured
     IP Address:
     Subnet Mask:
     Description: HSP-LAN-NETWORK
     Tagged   Ports:
                 GigabitEthernet1/0/25 GigabitEthernet1/0/26
     Untagged Ports:
                 Ethernet1/0/1         Ethernet1/0/2         Ethernet1/0/3
                 Ethernet1/0/4         Ethernet1/0/5         Ethernet1/0/6
                 Ethernet1/0/7         Ethernet1/0/8         Ethernet1/0/9
                 Ethernet1/0/10        Ethernet1/0/11        Ethernet1/0/12
                 Ethernet1/0/13        Ethernet1/0/14        Ethernet1/0/15
                 Ethernet1/0/16        Ethernet1/0/17        Ethernet1/0/18
                 Ethernet1/0/19        Ethernet1/0/20        Ethernet1/0/21
                 Ethernet1/0/22        Ethernet1/0/23        Ethernet1/0/24


    What am I doing wrong? Do I need to setup a trunk or hybrid somewhere? Would that be the port that gives link to the switch?

    Any help or direction would be much appreciated


  • 2.  RE: 3COM Switch VLAN config *old school*

    Posted Sep 20, 2018 01:33 PM
    • Go into system view: 

    system-view <enter>

    • Add the VLAN that you want:

    vlan 2 <enter>

    *you can add name and/or description it if you want using those commands (optional)*

    • Do quit

     Now that VLAN 2 exists, you can go into any interface and assign it:

    Example with Ethernet1/0/1:

    [hsp]int E1/0/1
    [hsp]port access vlan 2

    If you do "display VLAN2", you should see the interface listed.

    Tagged ports only apply to trunk configurations.

    Hope this helps!