The J9151D 1990-3883 is not documented in the AOS-S and AOS-CX Transceiver Guide Edition 16.

- Distance between switch and peer device?
- Peer device and transceiver type?
- What type of cable is used?
Note firmware 10.12.xxxx SSR go end-support 15 May 2024, please use the latest LSR release what is 10.13.1000 at this moment.
Marcel Koedijk | MVP Expert 2023 | ACEP | ACMP | ACCP | ACDP | Ekahau ECSE | Not an HPE Employee | Opinions are my own
Original Message:
Sent: Apr 19, 2024 10:51 AM
From: g24x
Subject: 6100 switch SM transceiver "waiting for link"
I have a 6100 (JL678A) switch that I try to connect to a singlemode uplink using a J9151D (part number 1990-3883) transceiver.
Unfortunately the status remains "waiting for link" when I plug in the cable.
"show int brief" says:
"1/1/26 1 access 10G-LR yes down Waiting for link -- --"
The log says:
"Transceiver 10G-LR inserted in 1/1/26 is supported. An HPE pluggable module that is supported in this interface"
My firmware version is PL.10.12.1000.
I have another device (a custom built machine) that works with this transceiver and cable.
I did try a few things (some out of desperation):
- reboot the switch
- allow unsupported transceiver
- try a second, identical transceiver
- change MTU from 1500 to 9000
- change speed
Any idea what could be wrong?
Kind regards,