I've got a 7005 controller with an AP using I've install two virtual Mobility Conductors that are working in L3 redundancy.
I am clear how to factory default it and join the vMCs, but that controller, as a stand alone, has a number of SSIDs, Clearpass roles, AAA, SNMP, SSH, etc. settings.
I've backed up the config and moved it offline, as well as leaving a copy on the controller.
Now, the question, is there an easy to load the config, say that items such as SNMP, AAA, DNS, etc. are attached to the vMC group for all the 7005's I have (like 50), and put other configs - such as VLAN L3 addresses, DHCP zone configs, etc.?
Or do I need to copy and paste from a text text file? Or GUI them all in separately? Both options are painful. Especially in that, if we get most of the common settings under the group, each of the 50+ controllers we move will need 10-15 separate CLI entries which are specific to each controller.
If you know of any docs or videos on Aruba or on the 'net, please let me know.