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  • 1.  7500-CMW520-R6710P03

    Posted Sep 25, 2023 10:47 AM
    Good morning,
    I am looking for the latest software version 5.20 - 7500-CMW520-R6710P03.
    Only version 7500-CMW520-R6710P02 is available in the download section. Unfortunately, this version has an IPC bug, which makes the CLI very unstable, frezzing itp. The switch has an MPU: HP 7510 MPU(S) with 1 BCM1125H Processor JD220A BOARD TYPE: LSQ1SRPD DRAM: 512M bytes FLASH: 64M bytes NVRAM: 512K bytes PCB 1 Version: VER.B PCB 2 Version: VER.A Bootrom Version: 500 CPLD 1 Version: 006 CPLD 2 Version: 006 Release Version: HP 7510-6710P02 Patch Version: None Thank you for your help.