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Alarm system detected alarms from unmanaged devices

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  • 1.  Alarm system detected alarms from unmanaged devices

    Posted Jan 20, 2014 04:52 PM

    I continue to get these alarms on a daily basis. Any ideas on what's causing this?




    Alarm Details
        Name        Alarm system detected alarms from unmanaged devices
        Level        Warning
        Alarm at        2014-01-20 06:49:26
        Alarm Source        
        Type        iMC
        Alarm Category        NMS Alarm (Partial)
        Recovery Status        Unrecovered
        Acknowledgement Status        Unacknowledged
        Description        iMC alarm system has received 1000 alarms from the unmanaged device from 2014-01-19 06:27:37 to 2014-01-20 06:49:26.
        Alarm Cause        iMC alarm system has received a large amount of alarms from unmanaged devices.
        Remediation Suggestion        Please add the unmanaged devices to the system for management.
        Maintenance Experience        
        Note        -- [Modify]

    Alarm Parameter        
        Parameter Name    Parameter Value
        *Start Time    2014-01-19 06:27:37
        *Stop Time    2014-01-20 06:49:26
        Times    1000

  • 2.  RE: Alarm system detected alarms from unmanaged devices

    Posted Jan 20, 2014 06:58 PM

    You're getting SNMP traps from devices that aren't managed by IMC.


    With that volume, the most likely source is from some system that has SNMP Authentication Failure traps enabled, and IMC set as its destination.


    You've got three choices:

    1/ Fix the offending system

    2/ Add the offending system to IMC

    3/ Turn off notification for alarms from Unknown systems.


    The problem with 1 & 2 is identifying the offending systems. The easiest way is probably to go to Alarm -> Trap Management -> Filtering Trap. Click Modify next to "Unknown Trap Filter". Uncheck "Filter Unknown Traps" - now you will at least see the alarms in Alarm -> Trap Management -> Browse Trap. You can then see which system you need to go and fix, or add to IMC.


    If you don't care that systems are sending you large numbers of unnecessary traps, and you just want to stop the alarm about it, then you could uncheck "Escalate to alarms" from the above Filter. 

  • 3.  RE: Alarm system detected alarms from unmanaged devices

    Posted Jan 21, 2014 10:20 AM

    Thanks Lindsay,


    I think your steps to uncheck "filter unknown traps" is what I  was looking for. I'd prefer to track down what system(s) are causing this, but the original alert I posted had localhost as the source.


    I'll post back if this does the trick, in case others have the same issue.


    Thanks again.



  • 4.  RE: Alarm system detected alarms from unmanaged devices

    Posted Jan 21, 2014 06:04 PM

    The reason you see "" in the original alert is that it's raised against the NMS itself. The message is saying that it received a total of 1,000 messages from unknown sources - that includes many different sources, so it just rolls the alert up into one against the NMS itself.


    (Yes, it would be nice if it had some more analysis - e.g. 100 from, 50 from, etc).


    Hopefully you can now track down the problematic systems.

  • 5.  RE: Alarm system detected alarms from unmanaged devices

    Posted Jan 27, 2014 03:34 AM


    Can I change the alarm that I received via email to show me the source IP (instead of





  • 6.  RE: Alarm system detected alarms from unmanaged devices

    Posted Jan 27, 2014 04:14 PM
    Not in this case, because there is no one single source IP. Instead, there could be many source IPs. The alarm is saying "I got 1000 alarms from unknown sources" - it's not saying "I got 1000 alarms from this specific source"

  • 7.  RE: Alarm system detected alarms from unmanaged devices

    Posted May 03, 2014 06:38 PM

    Hello, I was happy to see this post; I've been frustrated with the numbers of these alarms being generated. I unclicked "Filter Unknown Traps" and waited a while. I am still seeing alarms "iMC alarm system has received 1000 alarms from the unmanaged device from 2014-05-03 15:29:58 to 2014-05-03 15:35:18." but when I go to Alarm/Trap Management/Browse Trap, I don't see any traps that correspond to this alarm. I am running 7.0 E0202. Is there somewhere else I can look for this information? TIA.

  • 8.  RE: Alarm system detected alarms from unmanaged devices

    Posted Oct 17, 2016 01:22 PM

    I have the same issue.

     I cant track down the source of unknow alarms.

    What steps do you recommend Lindsay to get source identified?


    Thanks in advance.



  • 9.  RE: Alarm system detected alarms from unmanaged devices

    Posted Oct 17, 2016 02:08 PM

    Disable "Filter Unknown Alarms"

    Also try using tcpdump to look for syslog & SNMP traps, and check your sources.

  • 10.  RE: Alarm system detected alarms from unmanaged devices

    Posted Dec 28, 2017 12:05 PM


    i think you can see device ip on the menu "Alarm\Trap Management\Browse Trap"


  • 11.  RE: Alarm system detected alarms from unmanaged devices

    Posted Oct 25, 2019 11:37 AM

    Thanks a lot to all that contributed on this post. We also had the same warning alarms for a device that was trying to report SNMP traps to iMC every minute (we had hundreds of these alarms). Even if you specify the OID of the alarm in iMC by going to Alarm > Trap Management > Trap Definition (by adding the OID in the "Trap OID" field and doing a Query), click on Modify, and try to include the source IP address in the trap description with the $a macro as indicated in the ? at the right of the description, the source IP address that you will get is the local IP address, not the source IP address from the device that is sending the SNMP traps

    The only way where we could identify the source IP address of these SNMP traps, is by installing tcpdump in the iMC server (for Windows, you can use TCPDUMP for Windows that you can download from, and capture packets for some time using this filter:

    tcpdump -D //To identify the interface ID on which you need to capture packets

    tcpdump -i <Interface ID> udp port 161 -w <Filename where you want to save the packet capture>.pcap //To capture the packets

    Then you can copy the packet capture file to a device with Wireshark installed (you can download Wireshark from, open the capture file, and on the menu at the top go to Statistics > Conversations. On the tab called "IPv4", on the Address A column, identify any unknown IP addresses. These should be most likely the ones that are trying to report SNMP traps to iMC, and have not being added in iMC. You can then define a filter in Wireshark for these unknown IP addresses by doing a right-click on those Conversations, and select Apply as filter > Selected > A - B, then on the filtered packets, you can identify the SNMP version, the SNMP community string, and the OID (indicated as enterprise)

    Once the IP address from the device that is sending the SNMP traps is identified, you can:

    1. If you manage this device and want to receive SNMP traps in iMC: Add it to iMC

    2. If you manage this device but you do not want to receive SNMP traps in iMC, or manage it using iMC: Configure the device to stop sending SNMP traps

    3. If this is a rogue device or you do not manage it: Configure the firewalls between this device and iMC to drop these packets

    I hope that this helps solving similar issues
