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Ansible and the Aruba CX modules and use

This thread has been viewed 15 times
  • 1.  Ansible and the Aruba CX modules and use

    Posted Sep 11, 2019 06:10 PM

    I have been playing on the fringes of Ansible for a while and now have a real opportunity to use but find the module  offering very confusing

    I believe there are currently 4 different CX offerings with Ansible

    1) aruba-switch-ansible ( which is limited by the scripts although uses the Rest Interface  for access

    2) aruba-ansible-modules ( which requires a module to install and uses the Rest Interface  for access

    3) aoscx-ansible-collection ( limited to the library scripts

    4) aoscx-ansible-role ( )- limited to the library scripts


    I always assumed that Cli driven commands would be the easiest for transition, but believe using the rest interface has more functionality.


    There seems to limitations with a lot of the modules, but I wanted to build large configured using Jinja2 templates i.e. 30-40 bgp peers etc.


    What is the best method/module should I use, and which module has longevity?


    I have also had limited success with test some of these. 

  • 2.  RE: Ansible and the Aruba CX modules and use
    Best Answer

    Posted Sep 17, 2019 12:17 PM

    Hi and3p!


    I'm sorry you're finding the AOS-CX module support confusing, let me break it down and see if that helps!


    1)  aruba-switch-ansible - this repository currently holds 2 modules in the library/ directory, these modules are utilizing SSH and CLI to execute commands for both AOS-CX and AOS-Switch. The recommended use for this module is for commands that our REST API modules do not currently support.

    2) aruba-ansible-modules - this repository no longer maintains any AOS-CX modules. This repository contains Ansible modules using REST API for the following products: AOS-Switch, ArubaOS Controller, Activate, Airwave, Clearpass, and Instant.

    3+4) aoscx-ansible-collection and aoscx-ansible-role are the same modules just implemented in Ansible's Collection and Role structure to allow for easy installation and use. These are where the REST API modules are written for AOS-CX.


    In regards to your orginal use case, "I wanted to build large configured using Jinja2 templates i.e. 30-40 bgp peers etc. What is the best method/module should I use, and which module has longevity?"


    I would say, use Ansible's template module to generate configurations based on a Jinja2 template, then use the arubaos_cx_ssh_cli module to have the device copy the configuration to itself, something like the following:

    - name: Generate Config for Device
      template: src="{{config_template}}" dest="{{temp_config_file}}"
    - name: Copy Generated Config to Running through TFTP
        ip: "{{ip | default(ansible_host)}}"
        user: "{{user | default(ansible_user)}}"
        password: "{{password | default(ansible_password)}}"
        commands: ["copy tftp://{{tftp_server}}/{{temp_config_file}} running-config vrf mgmt"]

    Hopefully this answers your question, let me know if the solution provided isn't what you were looking for!

  • 3.  RE: Ansible and the Aruba CX modules and use

    Posted Oct 07, 2019 10:26 AM

    help - I'am not having much luck with the modules, 


    progress so far the module 


    is from which I have cloned and copied the library and task list to the Project Folder.


    The templates are being created and put in the config folder, so my 

    My playbook currently looks like this 

    - name: Build Core Switch Config and Upload to device
    gather_facts: no
    hosts: localhost

    - CoreSwitch

    - name: Upload Configuration
    ip: "{{ip | default(ansible_host)}}"
    user: "{{user | default(ansible_user)}}"
    password: "{{password | default(ansible_password)}}"
    commands: ["copy tftp://{{tftp_server}}/{{temp_config_file}} running-config vrf mgmt"]


    but the response 


    [root@localhost ProjectA]# ansible-playbook CoreSwitchBuild.yml
    ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML.
    mapping values are not allowed in this context

    The error appears to be in '/root/ProjectA/CoreSwitchBuild.yml': line 11, column 25, but may
    be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

    The offending line appears to be:

    - name: Upload Configuration
    ^ here


    Am I using the module correctly?


    I also have considerations towards the mode operation of ansible with the Aruba CX and Switch. I was originally aiming for more of an ad-hoc configuration scripting, while it seems the modules suit a more holistic environment, where configs are built and upload on change, or is the ssh_cli module suitable for sending adhoc commands?



  • 4.  RE: Ansible and the Aruba CX modules and use

    Posted Oct 07, 2019 11:17 AM

    Hi, if the formatting hasn't been changed during your posting, it appears the ansible problem is a simple indent issue:


    The offending line appears to be:

    - name: Upload Configuration
    ^ here


    should be:

    - name: Upload Configuration

  • 5.  RE: Ansible and the Aruba CX modules and use

    Posted Oct 07, 2019 03:22 PM

    Good spot - rookie mistake.

  • 6.  RE: Ansible and the Aruba CX modules and use

    Posted Oct 08, 2019 08:12 AM

    Making progress, and trying to understand the Aruba module.


    My play has the following:


    - name: Build Core Switch Config and Upload to device
    gather_facts: no
    hosts: all
    - CoreSwitch

    - name: Upload Configuration
    delegate_to: all
    user: admin
    password: password
    # Commands as a list
    commands: ["copy tftp:// running-config vrf mgmt"]


    The core switch role builds the config


    and I get the following result.


    TASK [Upload Configuration] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    task path: /root/ProjectA/CoreSwitchBuild.yml:9
    <all> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ConnectTimeout=5 -o ControlPath=/root/.ansible/cp/ebdc3260a9 all '/bin/sh -c '"'"'echo ~ && sleep 0'"'"''
    <all> (255, '', 'ssh: Could not resolve hostname all: Name or service not known\r
    fatal: [CoreSwitch]: UNREACHABLE! => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: Could not resolve hostname all: Name or service not known",
    "unreachable": true


    I have tested from the Ansible Host ssh access to the switch, although the error implies no connectivity. 


  • 7.  RE: Ansible and the Aruba CX modules and use

    Posted Oct 08, 2019 11:58 AM

    Hello! It appears Ansible might be having trouble connecting to your device in your inventory, this can be due to many reasons, I'm assuming you're able to ping/ssh to your device from your Ansible control machine without using Ansible? In that case, could you share a sample of what your inventory looks like? For security reasons you can change the values of the variables, I'm just trying to see if all the necessary variables are defined for Ansible to connect to your device.

  • 8.  RE: Ansible and the Aruba CX modules and use

    Posted Oct 09, 2019 06:08 AM

    Hi, it looks like the issue is configuration.


    See the error message:

    msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: Could not resolve hostname all:


    This shows that ansible is trying to resolve a hostname of "all" rather than connecting to one of your switches (I'm assuming you dont' have a switch called all).


    Check through the script where you have "all" written and see if that should be {{all}} or some other variable.

  • 9.  RE: Ansible and the Aruba CX modules and use

    Posted Oct 09, 2019 05:51 AM

    Do you have look with a tcpdump (or wireshark/tshark) if your ansible server try to connect to the switch ?

  • 10.  RE: Ansible and the Aruba CX modules and use

    Posted Oct 09, 2019 06:18 AM

    I've had some success this morning after looking at the inventory file and running a simple play - posting code for visibility.



    - name: Test Access - Change the hostname
    hosts: all
    gather_facts: no
    - name: Change the Hostname
    user: admin
    password: password123
    commands: ["conf", "hostname {{ ansible_hostname }}"]



    ansible_connection: local # Do not change
    ansible_hostname: CoreSwitch-001



    Which is great, keen to move it to the next step, build's the config and uploads to the switch, I have used roles for the config templates to allow it to scale.



    - name: Build Core Switch Config and Upload to device
    hosts: all
    gather_facts: no
    - CoreSwitch

    - name: Upload Configuration
    # delegate_to: all
    user: admin
    password: password123
    # Commands as a list
    commands: ["copy tftp://{{ ansible_hostname }}.cfg running-config vrf mgmt"]



    which is very nearly working, just the tftp-server setup on the ansible host.

    I do have a bit of duplication in the code with the inventory and roles - vars files, which might be acceptable. 





  • 11.  RE: Ansible and the Aruba CX modules and use

    Posted Oct 09, 2019 12:33 PM

    Awesome work @and3p !! Thank you so much for sharing your code!! Yes variable files and an organized inventory can make all the difference when it comes to Ansible!! If you're looking for any resources on Variables and Variable Files in Ansible be sure to check out my video on the Airheads Broadcasting Channel!!