20200723 (edit) 10.05.0001 Release Notes
20200720 (edit): We took a small chance and upgraded our 8320 to 10.05.0001 even though there still are no release notes. 10.05.0001 did fix some of the CLI commands (no complete research at this time). For example, 10.04.0041 did not acknowledge copying the switch config to the USB drive, 10.05.001 does acknowledge with a "SUCCESS" msg. We had ACL "established" messages sent to syslog/buffer/console using 10.04, 10.05.0001 has yet to LOGG an established ACL. This is good.
HPE-AOSCX8320# wr mem
Copying configuration: [Success]
Available: AOS-CX 10.05.0001 (8320) No RELEASE notes as of 20200717-1417