Re: AOS-CX (8320, 10.04.0001) checkpoint auto "minutes"
Big picture: The checkpoint auto "minutes" and auto recover feature does not seem to work if the admin disconnects from the aos-cx-8320 before the timer expires.
See one question at the end of this original post.
Specific Issue:
Step#1: I logged into the 8320. Then set the checkpoint timer for 3 minutes. Next, changed the hostname to "...3". Final, logged out of the 8320 before the 3 minute timer expired.
Step#2: I re-logged into the 8320 after 5 minutes. The hostname was still "...3". Also discovered the checkpoint timer was still "stuck on".
....LOG IN >>>>> SSH >>>
HPE-AOSCX8320-TEMP2# check auto 3
Auto checkpoint mode expires in 3 minute(s)
HPE-AOSCX8320-TEMP2(config)# hostname HPE-AOSCX8320-TEMP3
HPE-AOSCX8320-TEMP3# exit
Attempting username/password authentication...
The SSH connection closed: Connection closed by host.
after 5 minutes....LOG IN >>>>> SSH >>>
HPE-AOSCX8320-TEMP3# check auto 3
Auto checkpoint mode expires in 3 minute(s)
Error: Checkpoint auto timer is already ON
Question#1: Should the checkpoint auto timer expire automatically and then recover even if the admin is disconnected???
EDITED: 20191118-0627 (CST)
I rebooted the 8320 and did not save the RUNN config.
Logged back into the 8320 with the following results:
HPE-AOSCX8320-TEMP2# check auto 3
Auto checkpoint mode expires in 3 minute(s)
Error: Checkpoint auto timer is already ON <<<<<
# Thanks # Gracias # Merci # ありがとう # Danke # Spasiba # 감사합니다 # Toda # Cheers # Dhanyawaad # Ahsante # Xièxiè # shukran #