At this point all of the public clusters except those in China have been upgraded to support AOS 10.5.
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 12, 2023 12:22 PM
From: John Schaap
Subject: AP-615 and AOS-10
I don't know which Central cluster you are using but i have looked at EU and that one is running 2.5.7 and then also can be selected in the firmware section and AP-615 should be supported in that version.
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 11, 2023 11:58 AM
From: EnzoJ
Subject: AP-615 and AOS-10
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Original Message:
Sent: 9/11/2023 11:49:00 AM
From: chulcher
Subject: RE: AP-615 and AOS-10
Best option is the supported devices list from Central.
Carson Hulcher, ACEX#110
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 11, 2023 03:25 AM
From: EnzoJ
Subject: AP-615 and AOS-10
Where can I find the release notes where it shows all supported AP's.
Because the link in the release notes is broken and on the central help page there isn't a mention that AP-615 is supported.
Just to be sure and have official documentation that AP-615 supports 10.5
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 15, 2023 02:13 AM
From: ariyap
Subject: AP-615 and AOS-10
AOS10.5 is now available in Aruba Central,

If my post was useful accept solution and/or give kudos.
Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of HPE or Aruba.
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 09, 2023 02:56 AM
From: Trick7
Subject: AP-615 and AOS-10
Thanks ariyap,
I thought as much.
I'll try talking to my SEs, otherwise for the time being it'll just have to be an AOS--8 Cluster
Kind regards,
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 08, 2023 06:59 PM
From: ariyap
Subject: AP-615 and AOS-10
yes thats correct AP0-615s needs 10.5 if you want to use aos10.
you can talk to your local Aruba SE to see if you can use the AOS10 beta program.
If my post was useful accept solution and/or give kudos.
Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of HPE or Aruba.
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 08, 2023 01:04 PM
From: Trick7
Subject: AP-615 and AOS-10
Hello Community,
(first post|hopefully right thread)
found out AP-610s need AOS- firmware for AOS-10 (obviously, found it in release notes).
So my Question: I am finding documentation and Release Notes on the FW, but is there GA for it already?
A little annoyed, because we're running AP-515s and 635s with no issue in AOS-10 so I thought I'd order some 615s for a new area that is to be serviced with wifi.. Kept running into Upgrade errors ("Failed in device due to invalid url format"). After looking up ASP and not finding the Image I'd need, I fount out that you need for AP-610 support.
I now have to build a complete config for AOS-8 i guess.
Thanks for any Info on that and Kind regards,