Hello @MitchT
You are writing that the switch is disabling the port. The switch will only do this if you have configured the feature fault-finder with an action of disable. To confirm this please check if you have lines starting with "fault-finder" in your config file listing an action of disable. Here is how a config line could look like
switch(config)# fault-finder link-flap sensitivity high action warn-and-disable
Alternatively you can use the command show fault-finder
If you have indeed such entries you can change the values for action, for example configuring only warn without disable. Or change the sensitivity to low. This will make sure that the port is not blocked by the feature.
If you see that the action for all types of faults is only warn, then this means that the switch is not blocking the port. The port is simply going down because it doesnt link.
The switch offers cable diagnostics which may be helpful to confirm if there is indeed an issue with the port.
HP-Switch(config)# test cable-diagnostics <port-list>
If the cable is indeed faulty, it may not be possible to mitigate the effects for the connecion.
I see a message about STP blocking the port. You can configure the ports to be an admin-edge-port. This will prevent unnecessary blocking this port by STP in order to check the STP role. The port should transition immediately to forwarding state when the link comes up
HP-Switch(config)# spanning-tree 34 admin-edge-port
Another thing that can be tried is changing the speed-duplex settings if you suspect that the auto-negotiation is not working properly. If you have a 1000Mbps connection, maybe you test what happens when you limit it to 100Mbps auto, (auto-100). Keep in mind that changing the duplex setting on the switch should go hand in hand with changing it on the end device. Otherwise you can create a duplex mismatch and more issues.
I dont see PoE messages and you didnt mention PoE. Should it mean that the camera is not powered by PoE? If it is PoE, maybe you can check if you have log messages indicating PoE problems for this port. You can check with show power-over-ethernet if you have enough power budget for all connected devices. show power-over-ethernet 34 will provide detailed information about port 34.
Maybe you can share here the outputs of show interface 34 and show running-config interface 34, so we can check for possible issues.