I think I fixed the issue. Under Configuration -> Networks I edited the guest network. On the first page click on show advanced options on the bottom and scroll down to Deny inter user bridging and enable it. Now my iOS devices will connect using the virtual controller no problem. Thanks everyone for taking the time to look into this.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 21, 2023 03:05 AM
From: Stefan Bartels
Subject: Aruba 303 iPhone/iPad not connecting
From the logs I can see that the request come in:
#mac: etype 0800 smac 5e:e6:92:54:a9:30 dmac ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff #ip: sip, dip, proto 17 hdr len 20 len 332, id 40364, cksum 1c35, ttl 255, dscp 48 fragment ok, last fragment, frag off 0 #udp: sport 68 dport 67 len 312 #dhcp: message-type: request hardware type: 1, len: 6, hops: 0 txn id: 0x057e8ed5, seconds elapsed: 2 client mac: 5e:e6:92:54:a9:30 magic cookie: 0x63825363 #dhcp-option: message-type: discover #dhcp-option: aruba-vlan: 3333
And an offer (IP) will be provided:
#ip: sip, dip, proto 17 hdr len 20 len 324, id 0, cksum 5c98, ttl 64, dscp 0 fragment ok, last fragment, frag off 0 #udp: sport 67 dport 68 len 304 #dhcp: message-type: reply hardware type: 1, len: 6, hops: 0 txn id: 0x42abdcda, seconds elapsed: 0 your ip: next server ip: client mac: 5e:e6:92:54:a9:30 magic cookie: 0x63825363 #dhcp-option: netmask: #dhcp-option: router: #dhcp-option: dns-server: #dhcp-option: message-type: offer #dhcp-option: dhcp-server:
I am not an Apple so I don´t now how to validate on the Client site.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 20, 2023 03:41 PM
From: cdpjm
Subject: Aruba 303 iPhone/iPad not connecting
Attached is the output.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 20, 2023 03:42 AM
From: Stefan Bartels
Subject: Aruba 303 iPhone/iPad not connecting
From you screenshot above I cannot see any Client - or there was none connected - which has an IP Address allocated.
Let us see what pappens if the Apple Device connects. Please open a serial connection and issue some packet Capturing commands:
# debug pkt type dhcp
# debug pkt dump
And after that try to connect an iPhone

Original Message:
Sent: Nov 16, 2023 02:38 PM
From: cdpjm
Subject: Aruba 303 iPhone/iPad not connecting
I am using firmware
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 16, 2023 02:32 AM
From: cordless
Subject: Aruba 303 iPhone/iPad not connecting
What does the output of
show clients status <mac>
What OS Version are you using?
Do you use the internal DHCP Server or an external?
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 15, 2023 05:43 PM
From: cdpjm
Subject: Aruba 303 iPhone/iPad not connecting
It shows they are getting an IP address on the aruba but nothing shows for IP on the apple devices. I do not have any captive portal. Just a SSID and password. Windows devices get an ip, default gateway, and the public DNS I assigned to the virtual controller and has access to the internet just fine.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 14, 2023 11:50 PM
From: Ariya Parsamanesh
Subject: Aruba 303 iPhone/iPad not connecting
are these devices not getting an IP address or because you might not have a public HTTPS server on the IAP, they are refusing to connect?
If my post was useful accept solution and/or give kudos.
Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of HPE or Aruba.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 14, 2023 04:52 PM
From: cdpjm
Subject: Aruba 303 iPhone/iPad not connecting
I am setting up an Aruba 303 AP. I added a guest network that using the virtual controller to assign ip address. Windows machines connect fine but any iPad or iPhone will not get an ip address. I am guessing there is some setting I can change to fix this but not sure where to look.