Distance accuracy is a function of our good friend,
free space path loss. Because it's a logarithmic relationship, (remember the inverse-square law?), the closer you are to a beacon, the more accurate the location determination is going to be.
Except here, we're making constructive use of FSPL, rather than trying to engineer around it.
the following is an excerpt from my blog post on beacon placement:
Determining distance based on triangulation of beacon RSSI is optimal within about 0-4 metres due to the inverse square law of RF propagation. Typically, the calibrated output of the beacons is 0dBm (1mW). They operate in the 2.4GHz band on a 2MHz advertisement channel tucked between Wi-Fi channels 1 and 6, as well as one just past channel 11, and another one just below channel 1.
There's also some variability between receiver devices in terms of their sensitivity and even based on internal antenna configuration and how the device is held/oriented, so let's just assume it's +/- 3dB for the purposes of this example because it makes the math simpler.
Ian Beyer
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 14, 2022 07:31 AM
From: Jens Fluegel
Subject: Aruba 310 series users
Ok, so in that case there is no limit because the AP is just transmitting iBeacon advertisements. The accuracy depends on your solution. If you use RSSI based trilateration you usually required 3-4 BLE beacons/APs in close proximity of your device and the accuracy depends on the density and distance/deployment of the beacons/APs and how your algorithm works.
Jens Fluegel
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 14, 2022 05:28 AM
From: koushik kk
Subject: Aruba 310 series users
yes that is correct I am using aruba for indoor positioing, which will transmitt ble signal to my device which will then detect its location by triangulation and send over cloud. so i want to know is there any limitations to how many devices i can connect to aruba or it accuracy varies by distance.
koushik kk
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 14, 2022 05:21 AM
From: Jens Fluegel
Subject: Aruba 310 series users
This sounds you are using the Aruba AP 315 as iBeacon transmitter and not as scanner, right? You want to use Aruba AP beacons for indoor navigation?
Jens Fluegel
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 14, 2022 04:52 AM
From: koushik kk
Subject: Aruba 310 series users
for indoor position system i am using aruba 315 as AP and and a BLE enabled receiver device which will triliterate its location, i want to know how many ble beacons i can use with one aruba 315 AP and what its coverage area
koushik kk
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 14, 2022 04:38 AM
From: Jens Fluegel
Subject: Aruba 310 series users
Please can you describe a little bit more what you are looking for?
It looks like you are looking for an asset tracking solution, right?
What backend solution do you want to use the Aruba APs BLE radio's with in that case, Aruba Meridian or a 3rd party solution using the Aruba IoT framework?
Some side nodes to BLE asset tracking:
- BLE asset tags usually send regular BLE advertisement packets but do not connect to tracking devices like APs
- BLE advertisements are received by the APs and this information is forwarded to a tacking system/location engine to determine/track the tags location
- Aruba BLE capable AP can hold up to 512 BLE devices in its local BLE table, but this is less important if proper filtering is enabled and BLE tags are moving anyway
Jens Fluegel
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 14, 2022 12:59 AM
From: koushik kk
Subject: Aruba 310 series users
i mean aruba 315 device itself
koushik kk
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 13, 2022 04:15 AM
From: Mladen Vukadinovic
Subject: Aruba 310 series users
What do you mean by main unit?
Mladen Vukadinovic
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 12, 2022 01:04 AM
From: koushik kk
Subject: Aruba 310 series users
I am working on aruba 315 to use it as a indoor real time location service with beacons tags. I did not find any solid information on how many BLE tags can be connected to the aruba main device, so any help is appreciated.
koushik kk