Hi, There isn't cable-diagnostic option under diag command.
@vincent.giles wrote:
You enter diagnostics mode then diag cable-diagnostic.
BLDG01-F1# diagnostics
BLDG01-F1# diag cable-diagnostic 1/1/3
8320# diagnostics
8320# diag
audit-failure-notification Configure audit failure notification
bgp IP information
crash-notification Configure crash console log
didCertInstall Install Device Identity certificates. This
command is for manufacturing use only.
didCertShow Display Device Identity certificates. This
command is for manufacturing use only.
didChallenge Process a Device Identity challenge. This command
is for manufacturing use only.
didGenBlob Generate Device Identity Information. This
command is for manufacturing use only.
didTpmVersion Test TPM connectivity.
erps ERPS MIB dump
fan Show system fan status information
fruread Read FRU EEPROM
fruwrite Write FRU EEPROM
interface Interface information
ledtest Diagnostic level of LED testing
ospf OSPF information
ospfv3 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6
ovsdb-dump Display or copy compressed(tar.gz format) OVSDB
rib RIB routes
setkernelloglevel Set kernel Log Level
show Show running system information
show-hw-ut-log Display hardware logs of unsupported transceivers
showkernelloglevel Displays Current Kernel Log Level
utilities Linux tool utilities
And that's all
This is test switch
8320# sh system
Hostname : 8320
System Description : TL.10.03.0040
System Contact :
System Location :
Vendor : Aruba
Product Name : JL479A 8320
Chassis Serial Nbr : TW81K7201T
Base MAC Address : 98f2b3-680642
ArubaOS-CX Version : TL.10.03.0040