Original Message:
Sent: Oct 28, 2024 08:02 AM
From: michaelinho87
Subject: ArubaOS-CX script copy configuration
I will check, but if I use this command in a regular Job, how the password is then inserted?
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 28, 2024 07:04 AM
From: Ralf Krause
Subject: ArubaOS-CX script copy configuration
I'd say there is no need to be done on the switch side.
That command sends a request to SFTP Server (<IP>) with username <USER>.
This should result in a prompt for the password of <USER>.
The error message received is sent by the SFTP server system (<IP>).
Either the name actually is invalid there, or the user does not have the right privileges to get access via SFTP/SSH ...
Troubleshooting probably needs to be performed at the server side.
Original Message:
Sent: 10/28/2024 6:17:00 AM
From: michaelinho87
Subject: RE: ArubaOS-CX script copy configuration
Hello. I want to copy the configuration of aruba 8320 switches to a sftp server.
I use the command: copy running-config sftp://USER@IP/config-name.cfg
As result I get "Invalid user name".
Where can I set the password for the user which is used in that command? On the SFTP Servet there is a user configured with a password. But where can I set the password on the Aruba switch to export the configurationv ia SFTP?
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 22, 2023 05:38 PM
From: mark.bossert
Subject: ArubaOS-CX script copy configuration
Yeah, update to a more recent version. I think that copy command became available in 10.13. It wasn't available in 10.10, i think.
And then jobs only really became available in 10.08, iirc?
Either way, try the latest LSR.
Edit: My apologies, I should have read your post properly and used my brain.
We did implement this in a secured network, with tftp only. Then it works. Because apparently the switches can't do pubkey-authentication as clients.
We actually implemented in a few places via custom-commands for user-groups and then grab it via ssh:
user-group config-reader 10 permit cli command "show running-config" 20 permit cli command "show startup-config"
user oper group config-reader password ciphertext ...
user oper authorized-key ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 ...
This allows one to run `ssh oper@some-switch "show running-config" > some-switch.running.cfg` with passwordless/public key authentication in a pull-fashion.
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 14, 2023 02:20 AM
From: PoVO
Subject: ArubaOS-CX script copy configuration
Hello Mark,
Thanks for the reply, but I've tried this method without success.
The switches are Aruba-CX 6100 in version PL.10.13.
The copy function is not available in the jobs and that's a shame. Another problem I've encountered is integrating the public key for scp copying, but that's another problem.
result of the command :
SWTEST# conf t
SWTEST(config)# job backup
SWTEST(config-job-backup)# 10 cli copy running-config scp:// cli vrf mgmt
This command cannot be part of a job
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 13, 2023 12:49 PM
From: mark.bossert
Subject: ArubaOS-CX script copy configuration
Just run it as a backup job on the switch; no need to access it from the outside:
job backup
desc Daily Config Backup
10 cli copy running-config scp:// cli vrf mgmt
20 cli copy startup-config tftp:// json vrf mgmt
schedule backup
10 job backup
trigger on 03:00 daily start 2022-01-21
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 13, 2023 05:31 AM
From: PoVO
Subject: ArubaOS-CX script copy configuration
Is it possible with the aruba cx switch range to save the configuration on a server with scp?
I have tried this powershell script without success.
$user = "admin"
$pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString "password" -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($user,$pwd)
New-SSHSession -ComputerName ip -Credential $Cred -AcceptKey:$true
$session = Get-SSHSession -Index 0
$stream = $session.Session.CreateShellStream("dumb", 80, 9999, 800, 600, 1024)
Sleep 20
$session.Write("copy running-config scp://aruba@ipserver/swtestpowershell.cfg cli")
Sleep 20
Sleep 20
Remove-SSHSession -SessionId 0