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Attempting to save configuration error message

This thread has been viewed 1 times
  • 1.  Attempting to save configuration error message

    Posted Aug 10, 2012 03:15 PM

    Anyone seen this before?


    (config) #write me
    Saving Configuration...

    Save failed: Module IKE is busy. Please try later

    Here are some outputs of some commands that could possibly help


    (config) #show cpuload current
    top2 - 15:16:45 up 24 days, 10:09,  0 users,  load average: 2.39, 2.33, 1.97
    Tasks: 202 total,   2 running, 200 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
    Cpu(s):  6.2%us,  2.4%sy,  0.0%ni, 91.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.4%si,  0.0%st
    Mem:   1541032k total,   630136k used,   910896k free,     8740k buffers
    Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,   204460k cached

     9795 root      19   0 22148  13m 2016 R  100  0.9   2195:56 mysqld
    14926 root      15   0  3860 1060  772 R   12  0.1   0:00.16 top2
    14411 nobody    16   0 80444 8188 2640 S    9  0.5   0:00.23 httpd
     1618 root      16   0 25796  13m 3552 S    3  0.9  97:33.83 isakmpd
     1628 root      15   0 63160  44m 3876 S    2  2.9 730:45.31 stm
     1633 root      15   0  9152 2096 1300 S    2  0.1 361:03.91 dhcpdwrap
     1700 root      15   0  121m  72m 4244 S    2  4.8  35:16.52 fpapps
     2378 nobody    16   0 20052 2852 1104 S    2  0.2 434:48.70 httpd
    14326 nobody    16   0 80444 8188 2640 S    2  0.5   0:00.42 httpd
    14352 nobody    15   0 80444 8188 2640 S    2  0.5   0:00.25 httpd
    14927 nobody    18   0  5576  888  684 S    2  0.1   0:00.01 login
    14928 nobody    18   0  5576  880  684 S    2  0.1   0:00.01 login
    14929 nobody    17   0  5576  888  684 S    2  0.1   0:00.01 login
    14930 nobody    17   0  5576  880  684 S    2  0.1   0:00.01 login
    14931 nobody    17   0  5576  880  684 S    2  0.1   0:00.01 login
        1 root      16   0  4376  564  472 S    0  0.0   0:06.18 init
        2 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:05.88 migration/0



    (config) #show processes sort-by cpu

    53.3 R  9795  9791  22152 14304 5   0 Aug07 1-12:36:34 004ee2f0 /mswitch/mysql/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/mswitch/mysql --datadir=/var/mysql --big-tables --pid-file=/var/mysql/mysql.pid
     6.7 S  9811  9791  22152 14304 5   0 Aug07 04:37:20 2ac61698 /mswitch/mysql/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/mswitch/mysql --datadir=/var/mysql --big-tables --pid-file=/var/mysql/mysql.pid
     2.7 S  1619  1447  26080  9836 4   0 Jul17 16:17:36 2b4d50f8 /mswitch/bin/wms -l 5
     2.0 S  1628  1447  63160 45408 4   0 Jul17 12:10:47 2b5b70f8 /mswitch/bin/stm
     2.0 S  1627  1447 111672 92152 4   0 Jul17 11:49:23 2b468084 /mswitch/bin/auth
     1.1 S  1571  1447   5592  1168 0   0 Jul17 06:41:54 2ae70094 /mswitch/bin/msgHandler -g
     1.1 S  2464  2462  63160 45408 5   0 Jul17 06:27:13 2b2ee88c /mswitch/bin/stm
     1.0 S  1633  1447   9152  2096 4   0 Jul17 06:01:04 2afaa094 /mswitch/bin/dhcpdwrap
     0.8 S  1641  1447  13428  3792 4   0 Jul17 04:42:46 2b202094 /mswitch/bin/trapd
     0.6 S 15037  9339   4244   388 4   0 15:17 00:00:00 2acaa4a4 sleep 10
     0.6 S  9802  9791  22152 14304 5   0 Aug07 00:26:05 2ac61698 /mswitch/mysql/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/mswitch/mysql --datadir=/var/mysql --big-tables --pid-file=/var/mysql/mysql.pid
     0.5 S  1638  1447   8000  1524 4   0 Jul17 03:06:57 2b01a094 /mswitch/bin/hwMon
     0.5 S  1640  1447  13484  3140 4   0 Jul17 03:03:47 2b202094 /mswitch/bin/snmpd
     0.4 S  1603  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 02:35:42 2b2fc0f8 /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.3 S  2260  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 02:10:37 2b2fc0f8 /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.2 S  1618  1447  25796 13420 4   0 Jul17 01:37:34 2b3b7094 /mswitch/bin/isakmpd
     0.2 S 13749  1656   9744  2412 4   0 15:10 00:00:00 2b056094 sshd: Level2@pts/0                    
     0.1 S  1663  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 01:07:52 2b13b88c /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.1 S  1492  1447  37984 24912 4   0 Jul17 00:52:38 2b17feac /mswitch/bin/fpcli
     0.1 S  1671  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 00:44:23 2b2fc0f8 /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.1 S    19     1      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:40:17 00000000 [events/1]
     0.1 S  1700  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 00:35:16 2b13b88c /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 S  9842  9791  22152 14304 5   0 Aug07 00:03:50 2ac61698 /mswitch/mysql/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/mswitch/mysql --datadir=/var/mysql --big-tables --pid-file=/var/mysql/mysql.pid
     0.0 S  1636  1447  12904  3692 4   0 Jul17 00:30:01 2b244094 /mswitch/bin/mobileip
     0.0 S  1596  1447  50836 35936 4   0 Jul17 00:20:31 2b432094 /mswitch/bin/cfgm
     0.0 S  1669  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 00:13:19 2b13b88c /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 S  1659  1447   7256  1144 4   0 Jul17 00:07:54 2adce4a4 /mswitch/bin/dbbk periodic-backup 10800
     0.0 S  1033  1030   6220  1448 4   0 Jul17 00:07:26 2ad2f094 /mswitch/bin/syslogd -x -r -n -m 0 -f /mswitch/conf/syslog.conf
     0.0 S  1625  1447  26176 16008 4   0 Jul17 00:06:21 2b3c5094 /mswitch/bin/profmgr
     0.0 S 13750 13749   2176   396 4   0 15:10 00:00:00 2ac16094 -sshwrap
     0.0 S 12667  1447  37916 24424 4   0 Jul23 00:04:17 2b3ef094 /mswitch/bin/arci-cli-helper
     0.0 S  1676  1447   4376   680 4   0 Jul17 00:05:27 2aca9fd0 /bin/sh /usr/sbin/mem_mon -v -t 5
     0.0 S  1609  1447   8368  1820 4   0 Jul17 00:03:04 2b01a094 /mswitch/bin/pim
     0.0 S  1630  1447  13984  2644 4   0 Jul17 00:03:04 2b3ad094 /mswitch/bin/udbserver
     0.0 S  9339  1447   4376   624 4   0 Aug07 00:00:21 2aca9fd0 /bin/sh /mswitch/bin/dbstart
     0.0 S  1660  1447   8852  1460 0   0 Jul17 00:03:01 2b02c924 /mswitch/bin/qpdq
     0.0 S  1670  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 00:03:00 2b2fc0f8 /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 S   930     1      0     0 1   0 Jul17 00:02:25 00000000 [kjournald]
     0.0 S  1691  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 00:02:20 2b13b88c /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 S 14599  1676   4244   388 4   0 15:14 00:00:00 2acaa4a4 sleep 300
     0.0 S  1674  1447   2236   500 4   0 Jul17 00:01:31 2ac16094 /mswitch/bin/pktTraceLogd 0
     0.0 S 10111  9791  22152 14304 5   0 Aug07 00:00:10 2ac61698 /mswitch/mysql/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/mswitch/mysql --datadir=/var/mysql --big-tables --pid-file=/var/mysql/mysql.pid
     0.0 S  1447     1   6972  1716 4   0 Jul17 00:00:55 2afe6094 /mswitch/bin/nanny /mswitch/bin/nanny_list 0
     0.0 S  2463  2462  63160 45408 5   0 Jul17 00:00:42 2b5b70f8 /mswitch/bin/stm
     0.0 S    12     1      0     0 1   - Jul17 00:00:33 00000000 [migration/5]
     0.0 S    10     1      0     0 1   - Jul17 00:00:32 00000000 [migration/4]
     0.0 S     4     1      0     0 1   - Jul17 00:00:31 00000000 [migration/1]
     0.0 S    14     1      0     0 1   - Jul17 00:00:30 00000000 [migration/6]
     0.0 S     8     1      0     0 1   - Jul17 00:00:30 00000000 [migration/3]
     0.0 S     6     1      0     0 1   - Jul17 00:00:29 00000000 [migration/2]
     0.0 S   866     1   2564   380 4   - Jul17 00:00:29 2ac1a4a4 /mswitch/bin/watchdog enable 4
     0.0 S   869     1   2564   380 4   - Jul17 00:00:28 2ac1a4a4 /mswitch/bin/watchdog enable 5
     0.0 S    16     1      0     0 1   - Jul17 00:00:27 00000000 [migration/7]
     0.0 S   854     1   2564   380 4   - Jul17 00:00:27 2ac1a4a4 /mswitch/bin/watchdog enable 0
     0.0 S   872     1   2564   380 4   - Jul17 00:00:27 2ac1a4a4 /mswitch/bin/watchdog enable 6
     0.0 S   857     1   2564   380 4   - Jul17 00:00:26 2ac1a4a4 /mswitch/bin/watchdog enable 1
     0.0 S   860     1   2564   380 4   - Jul17 00:00:25 2ac1a4a4 /mswitch/bin/watchdog enable 2
     0.0 S  1639  1447   5096  1148 4   0 Jul17 00:00:22 2ad404a4 /mswitch/bin/sbHeartbeat -t 1 -m 40
     0.0 S   863     1   2564   380 4   - Jul17 00:00:20 2ac1a4a4 /mswitch/bin/watchdog enable 3
     0.0 S  1667  1447  11272  2160 4   0 Jul17 00:00:19 2b1fc094 /mswitch/bin/ospf
     0.0 S  1696  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 00:00:19 2b1414b0 /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 S  1694  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 00:00:18 2b13b88c /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 S  1695  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 00:00:18 2b13b88c /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 S  1595  1447   5292  1164 0   0 Jul17 00:00:15 2adb4094 /mswitch/bin/pubsub
     0.0 S   875     1   2564   380 4   - Jul17 00:00:14 2ac1a4a4 /mswitch/bin/watchdog enable 7
     0.0 S 10074  9791  22152 14304 5   0 Aug07 00:00:01 2ac61698 /mswitch/mysql/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/mswitch/mysql --datadir=/var/mysql --big-tables --pid-file=/var/mysql/mysql.pid
     0.0 S  1662  1447  13532  5756 4   0 Jul17 00:00:10 2b0ec094 /mswitch/bin/l2tpd -D
     0.0 S  1656  1447   9608  1960 4   0 Jul17 00:00:10 2b056094 /etc/ssh/sshd -D -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config
     0.0 S  1692  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 00:00:09 2b1414b0 /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 S  1668  1447   3576   896 4   0 Jul17 00:00:08 2ac16094 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -d -o
     0.0 S  2320  1642  10036  5732 4   0 Jul17 00:00:08 2b178094 /mswitch/bin/ntpd -g -L
     0.0 S  1610  1447  13616  2416 0   0 Jul17 00:00:07 2b3b0094 /mswitch/bin/licensemgr
     0.0 S  2357  1661  20264  4952 4   0 Jul17 00:00:07 2b7f6094 /mswitch/apache/bin/httpd -DFOREGROUND -DSSL
     0.0 S     1     0   4376   564 4   0 Jul17 00:00:06 2aca9dfc init
     0.0 S     2     1      0     0 1   - Jul17 00:00:05 00000000 [migration/0]
     0.0 S    13     1      0     0 1  19 Jul17 00:00:05 00000000 [ksoftirqd/5]
     0.0 S  1680  1447   9040  1508 4   0 Jul17 00:00:04 2b0e7094 /mswitch/bin/spectrum
     0.0 S  1672  1447   7656  1360 0   0 Jul17 00:00:03 2afd8094 /mswitch/bin/util_proc
     0.0 S  1552  1447   4684   932 4   0 Jul17 00:00:03 2ad28094 /mswitch/bin/sbConsoled 0
     0.0 S  1661  1447   8744  1428 4   0 Jul17 00:00:03 2ae94094 /mswitch/bin/httpd_wrap
     0.0 S  1508  1447   4872   944 4   0 Jul17 00:00:03 2ad71094 /mswitch/bin/cryptoPOST
     0.0 S  1675  1447  11488  1952 4   0 Jul17 00:00:03 2b10c094 /mswitch/bin/cpsec
     0.0 S  1653  1447  11240  1956 4   0 Jul17 00:00:03 2b287094 /mswitch/bin/slb
     0.0 S  1495  1447  11480  2376 0   0 Jul17 00:00:03 2b1d0094 /mswitch/bin/certmgr
     0.0 S  1599  1447  13992  2340 4   0 Jul17 00:00:03 2b3ee094 /mswitch/bin/aaa
     0.0 S  1655  1447   5596  1088 4   0 Jul17 00:00:03 2ae8c094 /mswitch/bin/resolvwrap
     0.0 S  1622  1621  26080  9836 5   0 Jul17 00:00:03 2b4d50f8 /mswitch/bin/wms -l 5
     0.0 S  1629  1447   7056  1148 4   0 Jul17 00:00:03 2af4f094 /mswitch/bin/rtpa
     0.0 S  1626  1447  10968  1528 0   0 Jul17 00:00:02 2b2b2094 /mswitch/bin/rfm
     0.0 S  1642  1447   9900  1596 4   0 Jul17 00:00:02 2b178094 /mswitch/bin/ntpwrap
     0.0 S  1645  1447  10900  1912 4   0 Jul17 00:00:02 2b085094 /mswitch/bin/dbsync
     0.0 S  1666  1447   8452  1532 4   0 Jul17 00:00:02 2afde094 /mswitch/bin/msghh
     0.0 S  1634  1447   7028  1200 0   0 Jul17 00:00:02 2ae86094 /mswitch/bin/radvdwrap
     0.0 S  1657  1447  12084  1908 4   0 Jul17 00:00:02 2b359094 /mswitch/bin/cts
     0.0 S  1494  1447   8504  1528 0   0 Jul17 00:00:02 2b022094 /mswitch/bin/packet_filter
     0.0 S  1598  1447   8828  1660 4   0 Jul17 00:00:02 2b066094 /mswitch/bin/syslogdwrap
     0.0 S  1637  1447  10152  1900 4   0 Jul17 00:00:02 2b1bf094 /mswitch/bin/phonehome
     0.0 S  1665  1447   7324  1164 4   0 Jul17 00:00:02 2af93094 /mswitch/bin/misc-proc
     0.0 S    94    27      0     0 1   0 Jul17 00:00:02 00000000 [pdflush]
     0.0 S  9790  9767  22152 14304 0   0 Aug07 00:00:00 2b0370f8 /mswitch/mysql/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/mswitch/mysql --datadir=/var/mysql --big-tables --pid-file=/var/mysql/mysql.pid
     0.0 S  9791  9790  22152 14304 1   0 Aug07 00:00:00 2b034390 /mswitch/mysql/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/mswitch/mysql --datadir=/var/mysql --big-tables --pid-file=/var/mysql/mysql.pid
     0.0 S  1602  1601 124716 73792 1   0 Jul17 00:00:00 2b2f9390 /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 S    25     1      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [events/7]
     0.0 S  1673  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 00:00:00 2b13b88c /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 S  2462  1628  63160 45408 1   0 Jul17 00:00:00 2b5b4390 /mswitch/bin/stm
     0.0 S  9767  9339   4376   676 4   0 Aug07 00:00:00 2aca9fd0 /bin/sh /mswitch/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld --pid-file=/var/mysql/mysql.pid
     0.0 S    18     1      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [events/0]
     0.0 S    20     1      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [events/2]
     0.0 S    21     1      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [events/3]
     0.0 S    22     1      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [events/4]
     0.0 S    23     1      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [events/5]
     0.0 S    24     1      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [events/6]
     0.0 S  1621  1619  26080  9836 1   0 Jul17 00:00:00 2b4d2390 /mswitch/bin/wms -l 5
     0.0 S  1623  1621  26080  9836 5   0 Jul17 00:00:00 2b33c88c /mswitch/bin/wms -l 5
     0.0 S     3     1      0     0 1  19 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [ksoftirqd/0]
     0.0 S     5     1      0     0 1  19 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [ksoftirqd/1]
     0.0 S     7     1      0     0 1  19 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [ksoftirqd/2]
     0.0 S     9     1      0     0 1  19 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [ksoftirqd/3]
     0.0 S    11     1      0     0 1  19 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [ksoftirqd/4]
     0.0 S  1698  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 00:00:00 2b1414b0 /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 S  9792  9791  22152 14304 5   0 Aug07 00:00:00 2af9c478 /mswitch/mysql/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/mswitch/mysql --datadir=/var/mysql --big-tables --pid-file=/var/mysql/mysql.pid
     0.0 S    15     1      0     0 1  19 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [ksoftirqd/6]
     0.0 S    17     1      0     0 1  19 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [ksoftirqd/7]
     0.0 S    26     1      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [khelper]
     0.0 S    27     1      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [kthread]
     0.0 S    39    27      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [kblockd/0]
     0.0 S    40    27      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [kblockd/1]
     0.0 S    41    27      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [kblockd/2]
     0.0 S    42    27      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [kblockd/3]
     0.0 S    43    27      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [kblockd/4]
     0.0 S    44    27      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [kblockd/5]
     0.0 S    45    27      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [kblockd/6]
     0.0 S    46    27      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [kblockd/7]
     0.0 S    93    27      0     0 1   0 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [pdflush]
     0.0 S    96    27      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [aio/0]
     0.0 S    97    27      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [aio/1]
     0.0 S    98    27      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [aio/2]
     0.0 S    99    27      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [aio/3]
     0.0 S   100    27      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [aio/4]
     0.0 S   101    27      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [aio/5]
     0.0 S   102    27      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [aio/6]
     0.0 S   103    27      0     0 1  -5 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [aio/7]
     0.0 S    95     1      0     0 1   0 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [kswapd0]
     0.0 S   764     1      0     0 1   0 Jul17 00:00:00 00000000 [mtdblockd]
     0.0 S  1030     1   4376   632 4   0 Jul17 00:00:00 2aca9fd0 /bin/sh /mswitch/bin/syslogd_start
     0.0 S  1496  1447   7324  1000 0   0 Jul17 00:00:00 2af59094 /mswitch/bin/soed
     0.0 S  1601  1447 124716 73792 4   0 Jul17 00:00:00 2b13b88c /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 S  1654  1447   4376   600 4   0 Jul17 00:00:00 2ace4500 /sbin/klogd -n
     0.0 S  1658  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 00:00:00 2b13b88c /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 S  1664  1447  11576  2000 4   0 Jul17 00:00:00 2b12f094 /mswitch/bin/pptpd -f
     0.0 S  1693  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 00:00:00 2b13b88c /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 S  1697  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 00:00:00 2b13b88c /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 S  1699  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 00:00:00 2b140ee8 /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 S  1701  1602 124716 73792 5   0 Jul17 00:00:00 2b13b88c /mswitch/bin/fpapps
     0.0 R 15038  1492   3808   984 0   0 15:17 00:00:00 2ac20084 ps --user nobody -N -wo %cpu,state,pid,ppid,vsz,rss,flags,nice,start_time,time,eip,cmd --sort=-%cpu


    (config) #show memory

    Memory (Kb): total: 1541032, used: 557304, free: 983728



  • 2.  RE: Attempting to save configuration error message

    Posted Aug 11, 2012 02:01 AM

    Please open a support case.