Hello Justin,
we are running iMC version PLAT 7.3 (E0705P12), I don't see any special permission or settings on the user, deleting and re-adding the device at the moment iunfortunately s not possible because the issue is not object of an official ticket but is only a "private" request. The user has privileges of "maintainer"...I noticed somethig strange:
When I click on the event that happened today, precisely on the description of "cold start", I am sent back to an old event of the same type where the user appears to have acknowledged. Is it possible that the aknowlegde is being "inherited" from an old alarm? If I click on today's alarm, I get an alarm from 2 weeks ago ... even seeing the acknowledge date of today's event, I see that the acknowledgment dates back to 2 weeks ago and this would be technically impossible given that the event dates back to today. It is as if IMC was "recycling" an old alarm to report all events similar to the one from 2 weeks ago that are taking place. Is such a thing possible? What can this be due to?
Thank You and kind regards