We've been having significant issues with our Clearpass Azure deployment. We've had numerous TAC cases open without any resolution.
Current system configuration:
Number of CPUs = 4
Total Memory = 18 GB
Total Disk Size = 1568 GB
Total Disk Write Throughput = 169 IOPS
Total Disk Read Throughput = 492 IOPS
Setup /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-image1 as luks device
Command failed with code -4 (wrong device or file specified).
Command failed with code -4 (wrong device or file specified).
luks UUID:
Opening device luks-
Command failed with code -4 (wrong device or file specified).
Stopping logging: [ OK ]
Copying data. This may take a few minutes...
Setting up boot targets...
Filesystem setup is complete on the new disk at .
Initiating reboot to complete this operation.
This results in the VM Clearpass Server building - however the provisioned disk size doesn't match the orginal allocation.