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  • 1.  Clearpass disk type

    Posted Feb 28, 2024 09:40 PM
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    were in the midst of upgrading our clearpass server, it seems the requirement for the disk is Thick Provisioning, is this still compulsary? If anyone  knows the logic behind why the disk type needs to be Thick instead of thin, would appreciate and feedback.

    I can understand it if the underlying storage has limited space but what if the underlying storage has more than enough free space? cant we set the disk type to thin provisioning in that case?


  • 2.  RE: Clearpass disk type

    Posted Feb 28, 2024 10:26 PM
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    You'd be better off asking the question over in the Security forum but the reason is because thick provisioning is what is validated to provide the best performance.

    Thick is still the option in the deployment guide and is the only supported method.

    Will the system work on a thin provisioned disk?  Probably.  Will TAC ask you to re-provision as thick should you open a case complaining about performance issues and only move forward with the case once you proven that the issue is still happening afterwards?  Probably.

    Carson Hulcher, ACEX#110

  • 3.  RE: Clearpass disk type

    Posted Feb 29, 2024 03:13 AM
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    duplicate post: https://community.arubanetworks.com/discussion/why-clearpass-only-supports-thick-provisioned-disks-1#bmce30c1cc-79cf-44f0-9bed-f95fc1d76d69

    The restriction is not done by ClearPass, but by Aruba.
    ClearPass would also work with thin provisioned disk, but Aruba will not support it.


    ACCX # 1377, ACEP, ACX - Network Security
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