Thank you for dictionary, I am able to Authenticate without issues but Authorization keep failing. I am getting message that raccess is not enabled, Screenshots below are from Access Tracker session details:

Appreciate any help you can provide.
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 06, 2017 05:19 PM
From: Tim Haynie
Subject: ClearPass TACACS+ Dictionary for Opengear
Hello all,
I've created a custom TACACS+ dictionary that can be imported into ClearPass for administrative login into Opengear. It is attached to this post, but make sure you remove the .txt portion of the filename (this forum apparently does not allow .xml file type uploads).
On Opengear, make sure to enable "Use Remote Groups" under Serial & Network -> Authentication. Then simply point Opengear to ClearPass. Nothing further to set up.
The "groupname" attribute should be passed back to OpenGear from ClearPass and should match a local admin group that is defined on the Opengear under Serial & Network -> Users & Groups.