If you aren't having performance issues, don't bother. If you are, you'll want to do an active survey of the location to determine the RF coverage/density and make any necessary design changes.
Carson Hulcher, ACEX#110
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 08, 2023 07:25 AM
From: Sar@_23
Subject: Client Health
I am running 8.10. When I look at wi-fi clients from signal quality' perspective I see that majority of my clients are in the SNR range of 21-35. Which is 'Fair' quality. I was expecting most of my clients to be in SNR 36 + range.
But when I look at clients from 'Health' perspective most of the are in 'Good' category.
Is this something I should look at to fix or is it normal? The SNR is bothering me and I am thinking the majority should be in Green SNR range. What needs to be checked/fixed? What is the 'Unknown' in the SNR.