Wired Intelligent Edge

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  • 1.  Console connection to Aruba 8325 switch using micro USB not working.

    Posted Feb 02, 2024 01:49 PM

    Hi there
     I cannot console into our Aruba 8325 switches through the micro USB port but can console using the RJ45 port. I can however connect to the USB ports on our 6300m switches with no issues at all.  Not sure why.... any suggestions?
    My settings are 
    Data Bits: 1
    Stop Bits: 1
    Parity: None
    Flow Control: None

  • 2.  RE: Console connection to Aruba 8325 switch using micro USB not working.

    Posted Feb 03, 2024 05:03 AM
    Do you see the com port come and go, as you plug inn and out, in the PCs device manager?, start there, and confirm
    the action with another switch console port.


  • 3.  RE: Console connection to Aruba 8325 switch using micro USB not working.

    Posted Feb 06, 2024 08:57 AM

    the 8325's may use a different console driver. I ran into a similar issue when trying to connect to some brand new 6300's.

    For my 6300's, i had to download some newer driver that was different than the driver i used to connect to my 8360 or 8400 switches. Check your device manager to see what's showing up under Ports. I want to say the 8325 may use the original hp usb console serial driver, same as the 8400's and the 5412R series switches

  • 4.  RE: Console connection to Aruba 8325 switch using micro USB not working.

    Posted Feb 07, 2024 06:06 AM

    If you are using type-c cable on both ends, try with another type-a to type-c instead.  For 8360 I am pretty sure it requires type-a to type-c and it is mentioned in the installation guide. 

    Stanislav Naydenov