I think the request is sent, as you get the warning in the Event viewer. Some admin login attempts are only logged in the Event viewer, not in Access Tracker. But I can't recall exactly in what situation that occur.
The default Guest Operator Service should handle this request. Can you remove the filter from the Access Tracker and see if you can find it, or filter on Source = Application instead of the user name.
If you are logged in to the Policy Manager GUI I assume that you can access the Guest GUI by either select Guest from the hamburger meny in the top right corner or by clicking the ClearPass Guest link under Quick links in the Dashboard.
Do you have any information under the application log, found under ClearPass Guest Administration\Support\Application Log

Do you still have default Translation rules under Administation\Operator Logins\Translation Rules?

Best Regards
Jonas Hammarbäck
Aranya AB
If you find my answer useful, consider giving kudos and/or mark as solution
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 29, 2022 01:25 PM
From: Vaclav Hauser
Subject: CPPM Guest - operator login
Hi Jonas,
Thanks for your reply, but its not my problem now. I can't login to CPPM Guest module with any credentials (admin repository, local repository). In Policy Manager I have default [Guest Operator Logins] service enabled:

But when I try to login, theres only that result:

And no deny entry in Access Tracker, it is just empty:

Only entry in logs is in the Event Viewer:

So it looks like the Guest module didnt send any authentication request to Policy Manager.
I think it is more clear now.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 29, 2022 09:56 AM
From: Jonas Hammarback
Subject: CPPM Guest - operator login
Hi Vaclav
You don't need a Operator login LDAP server to authenticate operator logins. Instead configure a service under Policy Manager. I often create a copy of the default service for operator logins, [Guest Operator Logins]. Add the AD as authentication source and create role mapping rules based on the AD groups and then Enforcement policy sending the correct Operator profile names in attribute admin_privileges.
The operator profile name is case sensitive, so use copy paste to avoid typos.
When sending the exact operator profile name in the attribute admin_privileges there are already a translation rule that maps the value of the attribute to the profile. So no need for additional translation rules.
Detailed steps below:
Start with the creation of your operator profiles and set the needed permissions, this will also create roles in the Policy Manager side to utilize in the role mapping policy.
Continue to create the enforcement profiles needed. An easy way to create the correct type with correct attribute is to copy [Operator Login - Admin Users] and change the name and the value for the attribute.
After this create a role mapping policy assigning the roles based on LDAP group membership or any other set of attributes. Assign the roles created automatically when the operator profile was created.
Continue with a new enforcement policy assigning the different enforcement profiles based on the roles.
Finally assign your new role mapping and enforcemement policy to the new service for operator logins.
The default operator login service must be disabled or moved below your new service, otherwise the default service will capture the login requests instead of your service.
As I recall the Operator login LDAP server settings is an old way to handle operator logins, a relic from the past left to provide backward compability.
Best Regards
Jonas Hammarbäck
Aranya AB
If you find my answer useful, consider giving kudos and/or mark as solution
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 29, 2022 08:46 AM
From: Vaclav Hauser
Subject: CPPM Guest - operator login
Hi all experts,
I was testing the external authentication operator login to CPPM Guest and when I removed the Operator login LDAP server from the Servers list I cant login with any operator username from local repositories (admin, local) from Policy Manager. It looks like the Guest application doesnt send any auth request to Policy Manager.
Theres no Access Tracker entry and in Event Viewer shows only warning message "Login Failed".
Do you have any idea what can be wrong with Guest module?
Thanks and best regards