We have multicast sources throughout our entire network. We are a higher education facility, so we have multiple multicast sources that range from instructor machines that wake up other classroom machines, at the edges, to our Microsoft SCOM/SCCM servers that sit in our datacenter switches, that perform Wake on Lan throughout our entire network. (Our datacenter switches could be considered another edge as they link to the cores).
our edges are all Layer 2. We have IGMP snooping enabled to maintain the IGMP tree memberships, but as i said, the querier is running at the L3 SVI, and pruned from there.
PIM simply is acting as your routing protocol for multicast, and routing them down to the correct L2 VLANs via their queriers or L3 SVI's.
(FWIW, my multicast knowledge is a little limited)
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 14, 2024 09:31 AM
From: JL24
Subject: CX6300 PIM & IGMP snooping...
Thanks for your comment.
Do you have multicast sources in edges or in core like about all different document assumes (also in CX MC deployment guide)?
I will have several SMPTE2110 sources (3-9Gbps/per stream) in multiple edges which means, if I use normal IGMP snooping/Querier process to control multicast that means all streams WILL flow to querier (which is naturally in core) as how it normally happens. Does PIM makes this different with edges in L2 mode havin IGMP snooping enabled?
Jori Luoto
AV-IT Specialist
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 06, 2024 10:05 AM
From: HornAlum
Subject: CX6300 PIM & IGMP snooping...
Our cores run pim-sparse mode and it is enabled at the L3 VLAN SVI interface for every vlan we have (except the voice vlans). Our old H3C cores ran PIM-DM, but at the time we switched to the 8400 cores, PIM-DM wasn't available so we had to switch to PIM-SM. Each access layer switch has its own data and voice vlan. We leave the L3 IP at the cores and do not assign an IP to the switch. The switches only have a management VLAN IP.
IGMP is enabled at the L3 SVI on the cores as well. In IGMPv3, the querier is enabled by default. We disable IGMP querier at the edges so that the querier runs at the core. The multicast groups remain at the edges while PIM takes care of the routing. I don't know if this is the best practice but it works. We had some big problems with the 8400's during their initial deployment that involved a lot of work with the 8400 team at Aruba, so we didn't dig further into our multicast efficiency.
There is an AOS-CX multicast deployment and troubleshooting guide out there. i forget where i downloaded it but just google it and you should find it. it isn't too lengthy
Original Message:
Sent: Jan 28, 2024 12:11 PM
From: JL24
Subject: CX6300 PIM & IGMP snooping...
I have tried to find out example about PIM config where edges ( & 101) are connected to core via L2 MCLAG but still have RP's in edges too...
While there is ip addresses there in edges (as you can see) should I just enable pim-sparse (and ospf to exchange mroutes to DR) in edges to keep unwanted mc streams in edge instead of sending it to core which is normal behaviour while using only IGMP features?
Another thing which I cannot find direct answer from documents: Should I enable IGMP snooping/querier in every edge to talk to transmitters/receivers?

Jori Luoto
AV-IT Specialist