Wireless Access

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  • 1.  gathering e911 data

    Posted Apr 29, 2022 05:00 PM
    I'm working on implementation of a new voip phone system.  I need to make a list of bssid's  and their location as one way that the system would be able to know a user's location so it could provide that to dispatchers if the user called 911.

    If I log into a controller, and issue the "show ap bss-table details" it makes me a list that at least contains bssid and the controller name.  That seems like a good place to start, but it has this annoying "feature" of splitting all of the output into pages and adding collumn headers dispersed throughout.

    If I first issue the "no paging" command it doesn't pause for every page, but it still puts all that junk in there and that makes it hard to parse automatically.

    Is there a way to do this that i'm missing?  I'd be happy if it came out csv, or i'm also happy with the way it does it with spaces or tabs added to make the collumns show up even.  It's the collum headers, and periodic addition of 'Channel followed by "*" indicates channel selected due to unsupported configured channel. "Spectrum" followed by "^" indicates Local Spectrum Override in effect.' that is driving me crazy.

    Adam Forsyth

  • 2.  RE: gathering e911 data

    Posted May 02, 2022 10:15 AM
    I have not researched, but did you check the ArubaOS REST API? you may be able to get a list that way, but likely in chunks of 1000.

    Bruce Osborne ACCP ACMP
    Liberty University

    The views expressed here are my personal views and not those of my employer

  • 3.  RE: gathering e911 data

    Posted May 03, 2022 03:03 PM
    you could use 'grep -v' to strip out the cruft. 

    I used copy/paste on the Command Prompt into a file I named bssTableDetails.txt

    then this command did the job for me:
    grep -v -e '^[[:space:]]*$' -e '^#' bssTableDetails.txt | grep -v "indicates channel selected due to unsupported configured channel" | grep -v "indicates Local Spectrum Override in effect" | grep -v "T-Tunnel, S-Split, D-Decrypt Tunnel, B-Bridge" | grep -v "U-UAC, A-AAC, sU-Standby UAC, sA-Standby AAC" | grep -v "Aruba AP BSS Table" | grep -v "ch/EIRP/max" | grep -v "\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-" | grep -v "Num APs\:" | grep -v "Num Associations\:" | grep -v "Flags\: " > stripped_bssTableDetails.txt

    putting the output into stripped_bssTableDetails.txt
    The hardest part was dealing with blank lines because of the stupid windows line endings, which is what the grep -v -e '^[[:space:]]*$' -e '^#'  is for. If you are doing it all on unix/mac, then a simple grep -v '^$' should do the trick.

    Cathy Fasano

  • 4.  RE: gathering e911 data

    Posted May 03, 2022 03:27 PM
    ...of course 5 minutes after I hit POST it occurred to me that a much simpler grep works for this output. Every line that you want starts with a MAC address :-)

    grep '^[0-9a-f:]\{12\}' bssTableDetails.txt > stripped_bssTableDetails.txt

    finds every line with a mac address at the beginning.

    Cathy Fasano

  • 5.  RE: gathering e911 data

    Posted May 05, 2022 10:40 AM
    I hadn't thought of that. Grepping is a good idea, it makes quick work of it, though its still manual work that i can't  automate.  I'll probably start manual, but see if i can get over the learning curve of using the rest api's to do something more automated in time.

    Adam Forsyth